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Vacation, moving, dreaming, and other stuff

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My husband and I have always lived in the same county in Western NC. All of our family, with the exception of my brother who is active duty military, lives right here. We love the mountains. We just got home from the beach, and until now, we have never dreamed of living anywhere else. Yet, all of a sudden, we are dreaming. We've never gone on vacation and not been ready to come home at the end. This was the first time that I wasn't happy to see the mountains on the way back. I don't know if I want to live at the beach or just run away from everything here. I know that running away isn't the answer, but I am tired of living right here with all the family drama. I wonder if it would be beneficial for my mental health to get away.


I'm home now, and I have to go take care of my grandmother tomorrow because my cousin forcibly removed her from my father's house (you might remember my aunt and grandfather both died last fall and I was suddenly wading through a relationship with that entire side of my family that I hadn't seen in almost 20 years). My father has been neglecting her, which is no surprise considering he abandoned us 28 years ago. If I didn't live 15 minutes away, I wouldn't be expected to go there. I am starting to envy my brother, who is being restationed to Alaska this summer. I want to run away from my job because I can't stand to see what I saw two weeks ago. But I know I would just be running to another one. I want to run away from living in a place where everybody knows my family and my business. I want a fresh start...


I really don't want to leave my church and my friends. Other than that, I feel like Patrick and I could pack up the girls and head out of here tomorrow without another look back.


I have no idea why I'm posting or what I'm looking for, but I just know that things might be changing. Patrick feels it too. We are going to be really seeking the Lord and praying for direction. He might tell us to stay right here. If He tells us to go, I will not hesitate. And the Wilmington area is so wonderful. I love it there!!!!!


Life is hard...


The good news is that you guys will be with me wherever I go! I love you all and missed you while I was away!

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I know that running away isn't the answer, but I am tired of living right here with all the family drama.


Keep dreaming! If you can make it so that you are running towards something, instead of running away, you'll probably be quite satisfied when you arrive. :grouphug:

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I know this feeling of being pulled somewhere else.


9 yrs ago, I felt the same. I upped and move across country that Sept...met my husband 6 wks later.


Now we're being pulled back. Something I swore I'd never do, move back.


Pray and seek guidance is the best thing you can do :grouphug:

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I understand fully what you are feeling. It led Dh and I to move 1000 miles away from the weight of our families! We have never been happier!!! It changed our life for the better in all aspects. Sometimes change really is the best option.


Praying for you! :grouphug:

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Oh this is funny...we too just got back from a beach vacation and had been dreaming of moving there. luckily the weather was cool and comfy all week until the day we left...and then the humidity kicked in and reminded me why we don't want to move to the beach :tongue_smilie: All those happy hour drinks had messed with my head! LOL


I grew up in WNC and actually want to get back there...but more remote than the city. Looks like both my parents are heading to the beach soon in their own moves...so we would get the best of both!


but yes, our dreaming even had us talking about leaving here and we have only lived here 9 months :lol:


reality tomorrow. but I love the beach dream. until the humidity reminds me how much I would hate it.:D

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We are in the same position. My dh has lived within a 1 mile radius of where we live now his entire life (ok, since he was a few months old) and now we are actually kinda considering looking out of state. My family is in the area as is his so this is a huge thing.


The highway is taking our house soon so if we want to move soon, this would be a our time and opportunity and likely this week my dh will get a lay off notice for his job----so no job, no house might equal a good time to move.

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Well, we couldn't exchange a house because in just a few months we wont' have one....there will be a highway though it :-(


Right now dh works in the prison system as an assistant deputy warden but his love is teaching automotive technology to highschool and college students and that is what his degree is in. He did this in the prison system as well until they closed the one where he was working.

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I don't know about exchanging, but I have thought of travel nursing with 12 week assignments in different areas. Unfortunately it is hard to get a job with a travel nurse company now because of the economy. It is quite expensive to hire travel nurses. :(

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I don't know about exchanging, but I have thought of travel nursing with 12 week assignments in different areas. Unfortunately it is hard to get a job with a travel nurse company now because of the economy. It is quite expensive to hire travel nurses. :(


Maybe if you go rural? Obviously we're in a different country :tongue_smilie: but my aunt and uncle went on a year long working holiday, they are both nurses, with my preschool aged cousin in tow. They were mostly working at hospitals or clinics in the middle of nowhere. America is a big place. You must have some middles of nowhere too. :lol:



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The good news is that you guys will be with me wherever I go! I love you all and missed you while I was away!

As a group the Hive has been with me for 3 moves. Mommaduck has been with me for 4.


I'm glad you had a good vacation.



Now in all seriousness, living far from family has its advantages and disadvantages. Your family becomes your immediate family. You'll lean on each other more and there will be a closeness some people don't get. There is also the lack of drama.


The biggest disadvantage is the kids not knowing their family. Dd has cousins she has not seen in 10 years. Time with grandparents is very special though.


If you need to bounce thoughts around PM me.

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Maybe if you go rural? Obviously we're in a different country :tongue_smilie: but my aunt and uncle went on a year long working holiday, they are both nurses, with my preschool aged cousin in tow. They were mostly working at hospitals or clinics in the middle of nowhere. America is a big place. You must have some middles of nowhere too. :lol:



I would respectfully suggest that if you decide on the middle of nowhere course you should thoroughly check out the middles of nowhere you plan on visiting. Some can be wonderful. Others, quite awful. We got stuck in a vicious one for 2.5 years. It wasn't pretty.

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