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What's the least tacky gift...

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The polite thing to do is RSVP, saying that she cannot attend.


And BTW, it has nothing to do with which #baby it is. It is that she doesn't know the people personally.


The OP is the one who brought up the fact that she thought it was tacky because this is the couple's third child. She said, more than once IIRC, that she thinks it's tacky to have a shower beyond the first baby.

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I'm with Mrs. Mungo "I frequently buy gifts for people my dh knows and I don't. It's not outside my comfort zone *at all*."


I am not an extrovert but I like celebrating births. In my dh's last job, he was in charge of about 80 people. I liked buying baby gifts even though I am not a big fan of shopping in general. I just think it is nice to celebrate a new birth. In the last 2.5 years, I have had no such duties but later this year, I think I will be doing this again. Doesn't bother me at all that I don't necessarily know the lady. Dh either knows the husband or the wife and that is good enough for me.

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my mother has never met either husband or wife. she has no idea why they were even invited.:confused:


Your mother was invited because your father was invited. Your father was invited because he is the expectant dad's friend. Your mother is his wife. I'm assuming, since both were invited, it's a shower with both men and women invited. It would have been rude to leave your mom off the invitation. (As a previous poster mentioned, it is like being invited to your hubby's co-worker's wedding.)


As to what to send, gift-wise, your mom should ask your dad about this family. Ask about the baby, the siblings, the family's hobbies, etc. The more information your mom has, the easier it will be to choose a gift. OR, given that your dad is the main invitee here, HE could choose a gift (with your mom's advice, no doubt) and give it to his co-worker.


A book is always a good gift, and there are some lovely board books out nowadays. If the book was a favorite of you and your siblings, or of your parent's grandkids, all the better.


Another option would be to provide a frozen meal for the family, or to provide a fresh one once the baby is born. I had a surprise "frozen food shower" for my second child, and it was wonderful. We ate and enjoyed every bit of the lovely gifts. It was a tradition in that micro-culture to do this for each new mom, many of whom were on their second+ children.

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I think it was perfectly polite to invite your mother since your father knows the expectant dad. People do that all the time. Not only is it not remotely rude but it would be a bit rude not to invite them since your dad spends so much time with expectant dad and has known him so long.


I don't think it is rude at all to have a babyshower for #2, #3, #4 or more. I would attend.


Every child is a blessing and I am growing tired or seeing people who always think the worst of people, "just wants gifts bleh" what sort of attitude is that, particularly towards people who spend a lot of time with the invitee and are likely just being friendly??


Maybe they just invited your mom cause every party needs a pooper?

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