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Question..9 month old who doesn't crawl yet..experiences?

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My DD had the annoying habit of developing milestones the DAY or so before the "if she's not doing it by X age, we'll refer for PT" appointment. She didn't crawl until right before 12 months, and didn't walk until right before 18 months. At 6 1/2, you really can't tell :).


I wouldn't worry too much about a 9 month old.

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Also, Early Intervention will provide free (or very low cost in some States) physical therapy for kids who qualify. No way would I run therapy through insurance for a child under three without a really good reason to do that instead of Early Intervention. Her pediatrician should know this and should have referred her to EI if there is concern so I'm sort of confused by that. Peds should know better.


Early Intervention is not free in every state. Every state runs Early Intervention their own way. The federal government mandates free evaluations and free meetings to develop a plan of services (IFSP) but how services are delivered and cost varies by state.

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DS hated, absolutely HATED, being on his stomach and never really saw the need to crawl. He demonstrated once, at about 7 months, that he had the physical ability (muscle tone etc) to crawl but in general he just put off the attitude of "that toy is so not worth moving for" - if something was beyond his reach he'd entertain himself with something else. He finally decided to crawl a little after he hit ten months - and when he did it was like he'd been crawling for forever (none of that stumbling/unsteady crawl). He was the same way with walking - showed absolutely no interest in it until right before he hit 13 months, spent a couple days watching us intently, furniture surfed for a couple days, and then took off running.:001_huh:


I wouldn't worry - odds are he'll start crawling when he decides that it is "time".

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My third child didn't crawl until right around her first birthday. Because she was my third, I honestly wasn't too worried. I watched her as she sat and watched the older two running in circles around her. She was healthy and I knew that she would be moving around when she was ready.


At the same time, I knew people who had a son who was doing the same thing (not crawling, not making records with milestones), and they put him in PT b/c they were worried.


I guess you have to do whatever you feel comfortable with. I knew that waiting and watching was the right thing for my daughter, and now she is a very active almost-4-year-old!!

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I am an Early Intervention PT. I would not be so concerned that the baby is not creeping (on hands and knees) at 9 months. The average age for that would be 10 months. I would be a bit concerned if the baby isn't moving in some way...rolling or commando crawling on his belly.



...low tone means their muscles are not as ready as the average person's...these babies are floppy and may not be able to keep their head level with their shoulders when when pulled from their back to a sit position by their arms or when picked up under their arms their arms seem to slip through). These babies have a more difficult time moving because they have to get the muscles ready then figure out how to move on top of that (simplest way I can think to explain) so it is extra difficult to move then sometimes their joints are lax on top of that.





Thank you Donna. This helped my DD so much! FTR, she did not know about Early Intervention, but has found one in her area and has put in a call. She is waiting for a reply.

She said the " arms slip thru when she picks him up" is a thought she has often had with him. He just this week and started spinning some on his stomach. He has no problem with his head when he is pulled up. But thank you to all of your for your postings, it has helped her sort it all thru.

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Dd was a very late crawler, about 13mo from what I remember. She used to roll from one side of the room to the other. Our house at the time was so small that she really didn't need to crawl - two rolls and she was from one side of any room to the other. Anyway, she's 8yo now and perfectly normal and active. She takes swimming and gymnastics and has never had any physical problems.

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This may be totally out there but has she had his eyes checked. I had a friend who had babies that wouldn't move because they couldn't see well. Once they got glasses they started crawling, walking, etc...


Again, that may be completely out there.


My oldest dd didn't crawl until she was 10 months but she did roll around everywhere.



Edited by kwiech
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Another "out there" thing to consider, but I knew a family once who had a toddler who had never crawled, and when I met her at 18 months or so, she still wasn't walking, though she would scoot on her bottom using her hands. When they finally took her for an evaluation, it turned out that she had a chronic constipation problem. They guessed that crawling/walking had been so uncomfortable for her, she just didn't bother to work at it, though she never showed any signs of discomfort and they never had any inkling of a problem. Once they resolved the tummy issues, she started walking with a little help and never looked back.


I only mention this because I'd never heard of it before, and after being here on the boards, I've seen other people talk about all the many issues "silent" constipation can cause, so I thought I'd throw it out there for consideration. I'm in the "wait another month or two" camp, but I would definitely be watching if I were her, and I'd be ready to take him in soon if something doesn't change. In the meantime, I think Donna gave great advice!



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Wow, neither of my kids crawled at 9 months and neither dr was worried. My dd never crawled but did at some point scoot on her butt. I really can't remember her pulling herself up until she was actually walking either at around 13 months. My ds started crawling, pulling himself up, and walking at about the same time at a year. Seems like the dr might be overreacting a bit unless there's other reasons for concern.

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Thank you Donna. This helped my DD so much! FTR, she did not know about Early Intervention, but has found one in her area and has put in a call. She is waiting for a reply.

She said the " arms slip thru when she picks him up" is a thought she has often had with him. He just this week and started spinning some on his stomach. He has no problem with his head when he is pulled up. But thank you to all of your for your postings, it has helped her sort it all thru.


You're welcome!:001_smile:

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