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Checking in with HCG dieters?

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Just wanted to check in to see what your results are on the HCG diet. I am still contemplating ordering the drops or pellets. Can you tell me which brand you are using? Whether you would use that brand again? Any crazy hunger? Results so far? :bigear:

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I used the pellets, lost 32 # in six weeks and have regained some on the maintenance (2 or 3 #).


I want to lose some more and have the pellets to do it, but I hated the diet. Don't know if I am willing to do it all over again. It wasn't the hunger— though with the pellets I would become ravenous if I didn't take them on time— my major issue was not being able to have a mixed salad. It about sent me round the bend. :glare: Really.


Here's what I used. I only took 3 three times a day instead of 4.



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I've been struggling this time. Not because of the pellets or the diet per se, although the diet is boring ... but that's because I tend to be quite boring. I could make it more interesting if I really felt motivated. The reason I'm struggling this time around is that life keeps throwing me curveballs and this diet, like all diets, but this one in particular, is very, very mental. I am struggling in a big way. I don't have a huge amount to lose. But I would still like to lose quite a bit. Yesterday was a very good day. I'm grateful for that.

I'm using the pellets from here.

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I used the pellets from yourdiscounthcg.com. I stayed on it for about 50 days and lost about 35 lbs. I got much looser at the end and started doing my own thing but I followed the diet strictly for the first 40 days or so. My bottle had quite a bit more pellets in it than would last 40 days on the recommended dosage so I just stayed on it until it was gone.


I've been very laid back about phase 3 basically just eating low carb but not worrying about all the rules or calories. I've lost about 4 more lbs in about 3 weeks doing low carb. I have not exercised at all through this.


I just had to buy all new clothes. I went from a tight size 16 to a comfortable size 8 in about 10 weeks. I'll admit I'm a little afraid to eat now that I've bought all new clothes.


My plan for now is to just stay low carb. I never was able to stay low carb for long before but the time I spent on the hcg diet seemed to help me break food addictions and cravings.

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I am on day 17 of the low calorie part of the diet (not that I am counting or anything) and have lost 16 lbs. so far.


The first 2 days were really hard, but ever since then it has been really easy.


I use the homeopathic pellets, I think I got them from Meridian labs or some place that vaguely sounds like that. I have only been hungry a few times, and have even had to force myself to eat the required calories on about the same number of occasions. This thing is very mental, but I find that the short time period, amount of weight loss, and fear of a re-gain if I go off protocol is more than enough to keep me on track.


Sometimes I think it is totally crazy. :D


I don't know if I will do another round when this one is finished, or if I will then use the control I have gained in this experiment to not be a pig like I have been and do a traditional diet/exercise regemin.

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What is this? I have 30-35 lbs to lose. The pills, are they like the ketomist that I have heard about? Is there any type of relation there? Do the pills do anything to make you jittery or weird or make you want to snap at your children over minor things?? :lol: If they are what I'm thinking of, I doubt it, but I just have to ask. That is the main reason I have avoided any and every pill, etc., is because I don't want my mood affected in any way.

Edited by FiveOaksAcademy
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This week has been a better week. I'm more disciplined. The pellets are working. This diet is very mental. Timing and structure are key. One should not start this diet (or probably any diet for that matter) in a very hectic, high-stress time of life, I think ...


What is this? I have 30-35 lbs to lose. The pills, are they like the ketomist that I have heard about? Is there any type of relation there? Do the pills do anything to make you jittery or weird or make you want to snap at your children over minor things?? :lol: If they are what I'm thinking of, I doubt it, but I just have to ask. That is the main reason I have avoided any and every pill, etc., is because I don't want my mood affected in any way.

No, the homeopathic ones don't have any side effects that I have experienced or read about (for months and months). They're homeopathic and perfectly safe.

If you're interested, there's lots and lots to read up on.





















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This week has been a better week. I'm more disciplined. The pellets are working. This diet is very mental. Timing and structure are key. One should not start this diet (or probably any diet for that matter) in a very hectic, high-stress time of life, I think ...



No, the homeopathic ones don't have any side effects that I have experienced or read about (for months and months). They're homeopathic and perfectly safe.

If you're interested, there's lots and lots to read up on.




Thanks for all the help!! We are going on vacation in a couple of weeks. I may look into this more after we get back. I appreciate all the links, etc.

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I used the homeopathic drops and just completed a 42 day round (including 2 loading days--so 38 days on drops total). I did NOT cheat, but I did learn how to be creative in my meal combinations (and use of spices and textures!)


I lost 25 lbs. I was hoping for more but I am an extremely sedentary person (I sit in front of my computer all day 'talking to myself' (well it looks that way to my family as I teach online math classes!). I had back surgery 2 years ago and I just shut down my exercise routine (mostly due to irrational fear that I would hurt my back again)...


I have 30 more pounds to loose-- so I may do one more round later this summer -- or I may just take it off slowly with exercise and low-carbing (since the HCG diet seemed to lesson my carb-cravings considerably). I really need to start building back my muscle tone-- since I am getting older and I know it is healthier for me (plus I'd look a lot slimmer at my current weight).


According to my Dr, he has seen weight loss from 20-40 pounds from his clients, but he has not noted any definite correlation between starting weight and ending weight other than his clients who needed to loose 100 pounds or more tended to loose over 30 and his clients who needed to loose around 50 pounds AND who had been at that weight for a period of several years, tended to loose 20-25 pounds (where I am)... and there were ALWAYS exceptions!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am just starting my 2nd round of hCG (homeopathic pellets). I dropped nearly 30 pounds during round 1 (including my cleanse drop). I still have between 25-35 pounds to lose. My lifestyle has gotten much more active because of the hCG diet. I feel like doing more -- and have a lot more energy.


It has been wonderful. I did a 19 day Phase 3 and a 35 day Phase 4. I have learned a lot about what my body likes and does not like. And, I have to say, I feel younger, too.

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