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Friday Evening Teacher's Bistro 5/13/11

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Oops. I promised Scrap that I'd open the bistro today. But today has been one of those days when my "git up and go" has "git up and gone".


What are you having for dinner tonight? I have no idea so maybe I'll get some ideas! Dd9 did suggest homemade pizza. . .


What do you do on days when you have no energy? I have done a few mandatory chores (like make the bed and clean the kitchen) but other than that I've mostly slept.


Anything special planned for the weekend?

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If a day has been really difficult for me physically, my kids will have a bowl of oatmeal with berries and nuts for dinner. ;) Sometimes, I can manage a phone call to dh, and he'll pick up a frozen pizza before coming home.


I really wanted salmon tonight, but it's still frozen solid. Instead, I think we'll be doing some homemade pizza, too.


Feel better, Jean! Have a restful weekend.

Parrothead...what I wouldn't give for some good Chinese!!!!

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grilled porkchops and orange glazed carrots were our dinner.


when I don't have energy I tend to go on the computer. I need to break this habit though.


I'm not sure what tomorrow will entail. MIL/FIL are coming over. If it doesn't rain we might work on laying out the garden. Or I might try to put together my studio/kids playroom (it's all helter skelter after some basement demo). Sunday we have church, I am teaching pre K. And in the afternoon we have lifegroup.

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What are you having for dinner tonight?

Crock Pot Clam Chowder


What do you do on days when you have no energy?

Wish I was sleeping and wander around accomplishing nothing so I might as well have slept.


Anything special planned for the weekend?

Schoolwork for the kids and cleaning/unpacking for me. Sunday we will go to church and I hope I get a nap! :)

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Supper: dh is in charge, so I have no idea


No energy days: put kids in charge of meals by ability and let them each pick a movie or activity and work our way through


Weekend plans: farmers market selling tomorrow. Worship and time with friends on Sunday.

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What are you having for dinner tonight? I have no idea so maybe I'll get some ideas! Dd9 did suggest homemade pizza. . .


What do you do on days when you have no energy? I have done a few mandatory chores (like make the bed and clean the kitchen) but other than that I've mostly slept.


Anything special planned for the weekend?

Supper...leftovers. I'd rather use my gift cert for the Keg though.


No energy? Count the time down to either nap/bed.


Special for the wknd? Nah. Unless I can convince Wolf to use the Keg gift cert...:D

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Dinner: Shrimp curry, rice, salad. I had a lot of zucchini to use up, and this worked out well for that.


When I have no energy: This is a frequent problem since we can't keep my thyroid levels stable. I have a "fake cleaning" routine that involves emptying the hamper into the washer, wiping stuff down, and hitting the worst spots on the carpet with the hand vac. Then I serve breakfast for dinner or thaw some chili or homemade soup. If I have had several good weeks before I hit a slump, I can get away with a lot of faking it..... not so much when I have been in slug mode for several weeks in a row.


This weekend: Tomorrow is DH's birthday, so probably just spending some time relaxing with him and maybe getting some shopping done. It is the only weekend in over a month that we have no outside commitments, and it will be another month before that happens again. Sigh.

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We had leftover baked ziti for dinner with reg salad and broccoli salad.


No energy (which seems frequently lately) I have a list of 5 things I MUST do. Load dishwasher, fold one load of laundry, pick up living room, make bed (somedays) and supervise boys jobs.


We have a soccer party this weekend and church on Sunday. Pretty much that is all we have going on.

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We had hot dogs and fries for dinner.


When I'm out of energy, which is pretty often lately with working nights, I send the kids out back to play and nap on the couch.


This weekend, I'm helping teach a class at the CNY Healing Arts Center about birth plan writing. From there, I'm going to go do a postpartum visit with a client who had her baby recently.

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Dinner tonight was rice and steamed veggies (haricots verts, carrots, broccoli) with a side of garlic asparagus. We rounded that out with snacks at my nephew's baseball game: popcorn and churros.


On days I have no energy, I listen to my body - and rest. I'll do the mandatory things (brush my teeth, make sure kids are alive and have some food thrown in their direction), then I rest. I try to rest in a common area for part of the day, rather than isolated in my room (where I'd rather be.) I'm impressed that making the bed is mandatory in your home! I don't make mine even on the best of days :D.


This weekend the kids and I are going to some garage sales, then to the range to practice shooting. It's also our last weekend of spring season sports, so we have a few games to attend.

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I ended up picking up Papa Murphy's pizza (half Hawaiian, half Papa's Favorite, then turned a half turn with half with cheese and half without - get that? I have to draw a picture when I order!)


Dh has agreed to go to the Y to go swimming. Since I won't have to work with dd9 on teaching her swimming, I plan to hang out in the spa:)

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