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Tuesday's Teachers BISTRO 5-10-2011

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Terrific Tuesday is here!


In case you want some light reading to peruse while eating, the Bistro is featuring this article today:




I'm sorry, I haven't figured out how to attach a link without posting the whole thing! :001_huh:


What's for lunch today? Me: in a few minutes I'll be taking zucchini puffs out of the toaster oven. Then, while those are cooling off, I may be making a run for fast food because I have too much to do today to concentrate on making an actual LUNCH.


What's on your schedule today? Me: I'm working on using up or prepping all the good veggies I received this weekend. Thus, the zucchini puffs this morning and possibly fried eggplant closer to dinner time. :)


What do you wish? Me: I wish all the flat surfaces in my house would magically clear themselves off! :lol:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Lunch will be leftover salad unless it's gone bad, in which case it will be some other kind of leftover.


Are you planning to move to Monowi?


Schedule - clean kitchen (done), supervise school (in the middle of - including an emergency entering of this week's schedule for ds into Outlook since I'm behind on entering his schedule for him to follow), now I have to do laundry (grump!), then I have pooper scooping on the schedule (ew!) and I hope to start to take grooming the bear - I mean, dog.


Wish - I wish I could afford to send the dogs to a groomer.

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Lunch: Leftover rice and pork chops for me; leftover rice, apples and carrots with almond butter, cheese for the kids.


Planning to go to piano this afternoon, and to do a science lesson when we get back. We visited the pediatrician this morning about ds' bedwetting and a trip to grandpa's so I have to go to the pharmacy at some point.


Wishing that we didn't have to do piano or science. It is a gorgeous afternoon, and I'd rather be outside hiking. :) As a matter of fact, maybe we'll ditch the science and head out to the arboretum after piano!



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What do you wish? Me: I wish all the flat surfaces in my house would magically clear themselves off! :lol:



:iagree: I think my horizontal surfaces are too cluttered because my floor is now also being overrun with toys. Apparently the toy horses traveled back in time and are making friends with some dinosaurs from different periods.



Lunch today - homemade gluten free bread and peanut butter with fruit to follow later.


Plans..... Today is my super busy day. We already went to orthodontist; I've had one meeting; I have my big tuesday meeting soon; one kid has finished her work and one hasn't started (learning division by fractions today); I am going for a 3 mile run after work; I have some vague idea of dinner but I'm outta milk (didn't do the grocery store this weekend); I need to find some horizontal surfaces; my laundry is trying to stage a coup.


wishing: I had time for my run now so I could enjoy the weather and wish I had fewer horizontal surfaces to clean.


It's not so much a plan as a big-ball-of-stuff-to-do

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Typing quickly as I am about to leave my house again...:auto:


Lunch was Captain D's so my son could watch the local train pass. He heard the horn so we stayed (we were dropping dd off at her therapies). Otherwise it would have been cabbage salad for me.


plans - catch up on laundry, be a taxi driver. DD has therapies from 11-2:30 then ds has football practice from 3:30 -5:30. After that we still have to finish yard work and things on the chicken coop before the run is put in place tomorrow.


what do I wish? There were 2 of me today! Well, 3 or 4 would be nice as I have a full days worth of yard work, another days worth of laundry, another of dishes, and another one of general house work. How did I get so far behind???

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I'm spending too much time online today. My oldest daughter (30) is at hospital being induced. DD2 (27) & 3 (15) went to watch.I'm home with Dd4 and grand daughter. It's been a long wait.

I called to see how things were going & dd2 had run out for food & hit a school bus!:eek: How do you hit a school bus? :blink:No one hurt, thankfully.


I have surface problems,there are several half walls around my house, nearly 40 feet of them. I love the open concept , but they sure collect.


Lunch was left over chicken marsala and mashed potatoes with carrots.

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Lunch: Pot pie. Mmmm...


On the Schedule: Just picked up about 100 invitations and donor cards from the local shelter that the kids and I will be stuffing after their quiet time. Then off to take dd12 to her fencing lesson where I will attempt to get some work done.


Wish: That cleaning and decluttering didn't necessitate the mess getting larger before it gets smaller... it does get smaller, right?! :confused:

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Lunch: Rice pasta w/olive oil and basil. Hot chocolate to drink. (For me, it was a handful of chocolate and a cup of decaf coffee. And I wonder why I can't drop those pesky 10 lbs!!!)


Schedule: Full, home-all-day school day, followed by an excellent work-out for me while the kids are playing quietly together, followed by an uninterrupted shower.


My wish for the day: I'd love for the snow to finally stop. :tongue_smilie:

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