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HELP! Surprised at dd's lack of math skills

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Need some curriculum help. I would like to spend the summer getting dd caught up or ahead in math. I basically need to drill the 4th grade curriculum :glare:.


For multiplication and division, I'm going to use math rider. She knows how to multiply, I'd just like her to have her facts down.


We need place value, both sides of the decimal.


Decimals and fractions.


Word problems.


Any ideas? If I were HSing next year I'd just plan to start where she is, but since she's doing cyber school and will be in 5th grade, I think her actual abilities need to match what her report card says (that she is doing fine in all areas).


We have about 10 weeks.

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Times Tales & Times Alive would both work wonders for drilling Multiplication facts quickly. If she has those memorized she can easily figure out her division if you show her that division is multiplication in reverse.


Math Mammoth has an entire book dedicated to fractions if you want to go that route. I'm not a huge fan of MM, but that's just because I don't like the style not because it's a bad programme.


What about Life Of Fred fractions?

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If you have an iPhone or iPod, McGraw Hill had a bunch of free math games apps for middle elementary (I think they're officially part of Everyday math) that might be useful. I think they're about 4th-5th grade level-they're mostly topics my DD hasn't gotten to yet.

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I looked at MM and really like the topic books, but...Where to start?


The blue series topical books cover multiple grade levels in one shot. At a guess, I would start a fourth grader in the level two fraction and division books; see what it says about multiplication. The fractions and division begin to cover decimals. You can also email the author for advice about your situation; she is pretty responsive and will probably answer within about three days. There is also an option to download 300 sample pages from all the books on the website. You could start with the division book and samples while you wait to hear back from her?


Good luck!




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I settled on MM Measuring 2 and fractions 1. Measuring for conversions, and fractions 1 because she doesn't know what a mixed number is, among other things.


We started measuring this morning, and it starts with time that includes multiplication. She was not happy at all. She's basically refusing to multiply and is just adding. She's also mad that this has been taught, but is refusing to realize that taught does not equal learned.


They just left for school, so I'm creating a reward chart to hopefully motivate her. This is going to be much harder than I thought, but I'm up for a challange right now!


ETA: We will be doing MM decimals, but not yet.

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