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Do you and your husband save for retirement?

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Healthcare can certainly be a big storm cloud. Having dh in the Air Force reserves provides us with access to wonderful insurance. Even with affordable care, though, we still have to make tough choices about therapies.


Obviously not everyone will be willing to serve in the military for the healthcare and retirement benefits, but that is a sacrifice we are willing to make to afford the rest of our choices. I'm not willing to sacrifice retirement savings to stay home with the dc.

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Thanks, that makes sense.




Yes, I see what you're saying, and that's the gist of what I was asking. The point was made that savings is the FIRST priority, even if you have to eat beans, and that if you're not saving, or maybe not saving enough, then family memories not made in the backyard are not OK. My question was, at what level of savings do you have to be before you're entitled to feed your family the healthful diet they need and make family memories outside your backyard. Is $10 a month OK, because that's all you can scrape together? $100? $1000? $5000? If you're only saving $2000 a month, are you entitled to vacation then, or should you put that vacation money into savings as well, because you COULD be saving $2300 a month, and since savings is the FIRST priority, you should be focusing on that above all else?



Some people aren't in the position to save at all. I totally get that.


What you posted above. Yes. It's a mindset. I have a budget and I do NOT go beyond that. I can afford, but in my head, I can't afford and that's that.


And here's the thing, the most modest savings counts. You start with small things. Every penny counts. Every one.


OT/ our healthcare this years is set to be so high that it's ridiculous to pay. We don't nearly go to the Dr enough to equal what we pay out in healthcare costs. We may be dropping it completely.

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We set aside close to 20% and have for a long time. We have various accounts that include 2-4O1Ks 2-pensions and various things like CDs that are earmarked retirement but are available for other things if they come up.

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