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I'm having a rough day.

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We are "behind" in our curriculum. Not extremely behind, but enough. And today, being a rough and rainy day, motivation is, well, lacking. I feel like curling up under my covers, shutting out the world and crying myself to sleep. The kids are fighting, dd14 is getting all hormonal on me, and I can't send anyone outside b/c of the rain! There is a nail in one of the tire's of my van, I noticed on the way home from an appt. this morning. I should be grateful I made it home, right? Dh and I are "at odds" for reasons I won't get into. I feel like a failure in so many areas of my life. I'm struggling with what to do with ds13 next year (ps or continue hsing...dh wants to send him to ps and I'm not so sure) and wondering if I am doing enough with my dd14 (9th grade). My stomach is tied up in knots and I just feel like crying most of the time. It's stress...and it's close to that time of the month. I'm not sure why I'm posting except perhaps to just vent to "somebody". Thanks for listening.

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(I have a rule that says that I can't make any big decisions near or during that time of the month.)


:iagree: My dh is the one who enforces this one, though. He refuses to allow me to make decisions about where the kids should be educated during this week. :tongue_smilie: 'Cause I can often be found perusing boarding school websites.



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Me too, JC! If my van didn't have a flat, I'd probably make some excuse as to why I have to head out your way, LOL!


Our van is dead and hubby is sleeping anyhow. It's a bummer day for me also. Had to have an u/s for my gall bladder and liver, kids fought over who would make a cake, landlord still hasn't sent someone to fix a leak and a wall, kids still haven't started schoolwork today, it's been 8yrs ago today since I last saw my mother (she's not deceased), and it's one of those days that you hope certain people would remember and call or fb or something and they haven't. I'll cry later. My kids are trying though and hubby said something sweet before falling asleep.

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I totally understand. I've been having similar feelings for much of the last few months. Seems like we never manage to get up a full head of steam, like I remember doing in the lazy days of kindergarten and 1st grade.


And not being in harmony with dh does just tie me in knots. Makes everything else ten times worse.


Do everything you can and just keep swimming. Best advice I can give and what I'm trying to do myself.

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I'm so sorry you're having "that" kind of day, Sue. It's so hard to pull ourselves up on days like this, when everything seems to be working against us and you just want to go somewhere quiet and be alone. I'm lifting you up in prayer right now....that you may know that you're not alone in your feelings and that this too shall pass...and that you may feel God's calming presence today.


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