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Question about labor

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Do I have to have a bloody show to be in true labor?


I'm in my 40th week and have had contractions periodically for the last several days. Anything ranging from every 4-5 minutes apart, to feeling nauseous, crampy and irritable. This morning dh and I were timing them before he went to work. They were stronger than they have been and were about 5 min. apart, but then they stopped and I went back to sleep. Arrrrgh.


But anyway, I haven't had that bloody show, so does that mean I'm not dilating? With my first I lost everything, LOL, - plug, had show and water broke - literally at the same time. With my 2nd, I honestly don't remember if I had show or not.


I just feel - and sorry for this TMI - as dry as the desert. Yesterday I think I was losing some plug, but honestly I don't know. I just don't know!!


I'm frustrated and irritable and have been for days. How can it be like this when I had preterm labor TWICE? I should have already had him by now, LOL!

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You don't have to have the show, or atleast I didn't see it two out of four times. I wouldn't let that be what decides if you are in labor. Focus on the contractions- the strength and consistency of them.


How exciting that you are that close! (I know frustrating from your perspective, sorry).

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No, I don't think so. I didn't lose mine (noticeably, ahead of time) w/ #1. I did w/ #2, but that was 10 days before she came. W/ #3...gosh, that was just a yr ago, & I don't remember! LOL


((Janna)) Sounds like it will be really soon, either way.

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No, I don't think so. I didn't lose mine (noticeably, ahead of time) w/ #1. I did w/ #2, but that was 10 days before she came. W/ #3...gosh, that was just a yr ago, & I don't remember! LOL



It's amazing how fast we forget these things, lol!!!

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I never noticed any bloody show with my 3, nor did I ever see a mucus plug. Everything you describe (including the irritability) sounds like pre-labor. You could have several days of these "putsy-putsy" contractions off and on until your body kicks into active labor. Make sure that you are drinking enough, getting rest, and keep on keeping on. It helps to keep busy enough to distract yourself until you can no longer be distracted. If you are having trouble getting rest, try to take a nap in the tub (with someone nearby to add hot water to keep you comfy.) Nobody is ever pregnant forever, :)!

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I am reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. It is a very inspiring book about childbirth. One thing the ladies talk about over and over is if you are having those putsy contractions, go for a long walk. It helps things along and helps dilation.


As for bloody show - I would concentrate on the contractions.


You are almost there Janna!!!! :hurray: You can do it!!

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I never had any kind of bloody show or ever lost a mucous plug. My body doesn't seem to like to go into labor so I've always had to be induced. Never really had any kind of braxton hicks contractions either. My water did break with my dd7, yet I still had to be induced because I wasn't contracting! :rolleyes:


I agree with the others, contractions are what will tell you if you are in true labor or not. Good luck to you!! :001_smile:

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no bloody show, no plug, nothin' here


I have:

oo that's a good one

la de da

oo there's another

la la la

oy, ok, that was close..and strong

oy, another

ok, this just might be something here

hum de dum

oo another strong one


gotta push






nope, didn't see anything about a show or plug in there haha


certainly sounds like things are gearing up though girl

I'm right there with ya.

I think.



Yesterday was my 'due date'. I've been irritable for 2 weeks now LOL So, yeah, that's not a real clue as to 'when' things will happen :p But had a back ache thing going on last night with some tightening throughout the day..nothing ever major, but 'something' I hadn't had anything to speak of with this pg. The tightening continuing today.


ONE of us better have a baby SOON...but it'd be great if we could both knock this out now ;)

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WOW, this is getting exciting!


Keep us updated as things progress! I mean, it's very important for you to have your dh typing on the laptop while you're having the baby because the hive mind NEEDS TO KNOW!!! :D


Hope everything goes well for ya'll!

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Tara and Janna...as horrible as the stuff is...castor oil works! You are both soooo close. I had over a month of those annoying pre-labor contractions and then Friday and Saturday they were more regular and strong. I took the co on Sat. night around nine and well...you all know the rest of the story! Good luck to you both. I KNOW how awful those last weeks are. :grouphug: for you both and prayers that labor starts SOON!

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Tara and Janna...as horrible as the stuff is...castor oil works! You are both soooo close. I had over a month of those annoying pre-labor contractions and then Friday and Saturday they were more regular and strong. I took the co on Sat. night around nine and well...you all know the rest of the story! Good luck to you both. I KNOW how awful those last weeks are. :grouphug: for you both and prayers that labor starts SOON!


Wait. WHAT??? Did I miss a post?????



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I'm glad to know not everyone has had the show or lost the plug before hand. That gives me hope to just pay attention to the contractions. I've done a lot of walking/physical labor today, so I'm hoping something will come of it.


Everything you describe (including the irritability) sounds like pre-labor. You could have several days of these "putsy-putsy" contractions off and on until your body kicks into active labor. Make sure that you are drinking enough, getting rest, and keep on keeping on. It helps to keep busy enough to distract yourself until you can no longer be distracted.


Ugh! Thanks a lot! ;) I am making sure I'm drinking because I don't want to have "dehydration contractions". I want them to be the real deal. And trust me, I'm keeping myself busy! The last thing I want to do is lie around just w-a-i-t-i-n-g. My house has never been cleaner, LOL!


I am reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. It is a very inspiring book about childbirth. One thing the ladies talk about over and over is if you are having those putsy contractions, go for a long walk. It helps things along and helps dilation.

You are almost there Janna!!!! :hurray: You can do it!!


I read that book a couple months ago - I agree, a very good read. As for walking, let me just tell you - I'm walking! The other day I walked 3 miles which nearly killed my back, actually. I have resumed going to the gym (after being told to stop because of preterm labor scares) and using the elliptical. Today I have mopped the kitchen floor AND mowed my 3/4 acre lawn with a push mower. I'm walking! ;)


no bloody show, no plug, nothin' here


I have:

oo that's a good one

la de da

oo there's another

la la la

oy, ok, that was close..and strong

oy, another

ok, this just might be something here

hum de dum

oo another strong one


gotta push







ONE of us better have a baby SOON...but it'd be great if we could both knock this out now ;)


LOL, that was funny, Tara! I have NEVER had a birth like that. I probably will never have like it either. I can't believe it's that fast for you (and for you, Sue!) Nope, mine were 23 hours, 13 hours and apparently never coming out. ;)


ok, um, how weird is it that like 20 minutes after I post this I go to the bathroom and see a tinge of pink ????


NO WAY! Oh, my goodness, I hope that means something for you Tara. "They" say the bloody show usually means labor within 2 days. Praying it's TODAY for you, Tara! Go, Tara, Go! :hurray:


Tara and Janna...as horrible as the stuff is...castor oil works! You are both soooo close. I had over a month of those annoying pre-labor contractions and then Friday and Saturday they were more regular and strong. I took the co on Sat. night around nine and well...you all know the rest of the story! Good luck to you both. I KNOW how awful those last weeks are. :grouphug: for you both and prayers that labor starts SOON!


Thanks, Sue. I just can't bring myself to do it though. I can't help but think the reason it works is because it's POISON and the body is trying to protect the child by getting it out of there, LOL! Not only that, but I have been reading about it (having never taken it before) and honestly, cramping because it causes diarrhea, just doesn't sound appealing to me. At all. I guess I'd rather mess my body up by exhausting myself with physical work instead, LOL!


How are things going for you now that you've had precious Jesse for more than 24 hours? I'm so jealous....

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You never know what to expect, after your first! All of my subsequent babies didn't follow that 'standard procedure'!!


For instance, I had the bloody show with my 2nd child about 20 minutes before he was born -- so it's a good thing I wasn't waiting for that to head to the hospital!


I didn't remember losing a plug at all with my 3rd child, but I did with #4 - about a week before she was born.


I would recommend taking a bath. If you're in labor, it won't stop the contractions, and it will make you more comfortable. If you're not in labor, it'll relax you and you can then try to get some rest.


Best wishes for the upcoming delivery!! :)

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Thanks, Melissa. But I have to say your quote about Chuck Norris made me literally LOL. Thanks!


LOL! I can link you to a whole site full of "Chuck Norris facts." Think you can laugh that kid out?


If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.


Also, I forgot to say that I can only imagine the looks on the faces of the people in the gym when they see a 9-months-pregnant woman getting on an elliptical machine. That must be priceless :blink: :svengo: :willy_nilly: :huh:

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