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If you are watching the royal wedding on the internet....

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I'm wondering if BBCA or youtube will replay it all day. Well, I know BBCA is on the TV channel since it's on ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL DAY. Sometime in the evening the schedule says "highlights from the royal wedding" and then it says "royal wedding" again, so I'm guessing they're rerunning it all day.


I know I read on the BBCA site that the youtube channel was going to stream it with a love blog running at the same time, so maybe you'll get some help with the guests that way, too.


The program is up online already. And as an FYI, if you make a donation to any of the couple's official charities thru the ROyal Wedding website you'll get an email thank you from Will and Kate :) Just in case that turns your motor.

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