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I need recommendations for a beginning s3x ed book (CC)

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So Zee is 8, and is very, um, ok, he's sheltered in this area, and I feel it's past time to start talking about it. He's asked questions, which I've answered, but I'd like to open some conversations with him and start giving him age appropriate information.


He has no idea where babies come from. He knows you need a mommy and a daddy, but has no idea why. I've just been giving the 'because that's the way God made it' answer. Ugh. I'm try really hard to appear very relaxed when he has questions, and just have been giving as little info as possible; just answering the question, nothing more. But he's getting older, and I don't want him getting his info from his cousins, or kids at the park, etc.


Dh is EXTREMELY uncomfortable with discussing this topic with our kids. So uncomfortable, in fact, that maybe it's best if he doesn't, since I want to keep communication open with them. (Both my little boys feel VERY comfortable asking me questions about anything at all, and I want to keep it that way). dh has NEVER talked to dsd about it, and has had one VERY short conversation with dss about it. So, let's just say that all education on this topic is being left to me, at least for now. I'm praying as the boys get older, and hit puberty, he will be willing to talk to them. But for now, it is what it is, and I need to start teaching him some basic info.


I need a book from a Christian perspective that covers the basics. Any good recs? Links would be helpful, too.



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I just read this book with the kids. It explained things in correct terminology without going into too many details. I checked it out of the library.


ETA: It is not necessarily from a Christian perspective, but you could talk about your beliefs while reading it, i.e. "God made our bodies differently, etc."

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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I've heard many moms talk about the Care and Keeping Of You. I don't know if its CC though, its not something I ended up using.


Care and Keeping of You is really for girls (published by American Girl). It's not religious, but unlikely to be offensive to conservative Christians.

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I recommend God's Design for Sex series (first book here). My kids were very sheltered and just needing to know the veerrrrry basics. I'd suggest starting with book 1, don't pay attention that it says it's for 3-5 year olds! If your kids were in school, it might be a different.


My other suggestion is to take a few hours, by yourself, go to a bookstore, and just sit there and read the huge variety of choices. You'll quickly get a feel for what you might like and what you don't.


Dh finally had "a" talk with ds last year. I have no idea what they talked about; I don't want to know. I hope it was enough.

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The first time we had this conversation with the older boys, it came from them reading The Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia. They were approximately 9 and 7. It was awkward, but honestly, I was glad to get it over with! I liked that it presented the info in a basic, manner of fact way.


In the past year, we read through Almost 12 by Kenneth Taylor with our 10 (now 11) year old and The Boy's Body Book by Kelli Dunham with the two oldest boys. (We bought both books from Sonlight.)


I highly recommend all three books.

Edited by Heather in WI
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Concordia Publishing House has a great series that is warm, Christian, and conservative Biblical called Learning About S*x. I used it with my DD about a year or two behind the recommended age category. It was great, can't recommend it highly enough.


I like this series as well.

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Thanks, I will check it out.


Maybe people aren't using books, just talking to their kids? I'm just guessing based on the hard time I'm having getting responses.


My son is also 8 and we just had this talk recently. I had purchased the "God's design for S*x" series, but had never actually read any of the books to my kids. But, in this most recent conversation I grabbed the book (the one for 5-8 years) and found it very helpful to have a guide to follow. We continued our talk after we read the book, but I thought it laid everything out in a no-nonsense, 'this is how God created us' kind of way. I was very thankful that I already had it sitting on my shelf when the conversation came up!

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