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Deadliest Catch

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Soooooo...I'm sitting here watching the episode from last week before the new one comes on. Anyone else love this show? Thoughts on the new season.


Thoughts: Edgar is and always has been my favorite. We named our crab in the salt water tank "Edgar" after him. At the beginning of the season, I was very worried when they were pretending he wasn't going to be on again. Ha! Tricked us. Then I was sad that he was back, because I really want him to enjoy time with his family; so few of these fishermen stay married. I want him to have a good relationship with his family.


I like the new boats they have on, the Ramblin Rose and the Seabrooke. I did not like the new boat last season, the Kodiak, so I am happy.


We don't need to go into all the scenes that are probably fake. We'll just pretend that this show really is reality. Ignorance is bliss.


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We love that show! I haven't seen last night's episode yet, but we have it DVR'd to watch tonight. I haven't really warmed up to the new boats yet. It takes time to get to know the crew. I didn't like the Kodiak much either, even though a friend of mine is a sister-in-law to one of the crew of the Kodiak. I don't know how it is going to go for the Cornelia this year. It will be interesting to see the dynamic between Jake, Josh, and the new captain. I think it would be hard to be part owner of a boat and still have to take orders from the captain. I foresee issues between Jake and the new captain. I think Josh is mature enough to handle it, but I think that Jake has a ways to go.

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I love the show! I didn't get to watch it last night thanks to storms but will catch up as soon as possible. I was really hesitant about this season though as Capt. Phil was a favorite and I had been reading about lawsuits between Discovery and one boat, and then that another capt was refusing to participate unless the lawsuit was dropped.

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I used to work with a guy that had worked on crabbing boats for a while. The show really isn't too far off from reality. You have to be pretty tough and pretty thick skinned. He quit when due to a shoulder injury.

oh, I don't doubt that's what they really do. What I doubt is that discovery doesn't meddle. For example, on the season premier on the Northwestern when Jake is making food, and the rope on one of the cranes gets stuck and "shuts down operation for a little while". Well, Edgar and Nick climb up to fix it and the camera guy follows. The camera is focused on it, the camera moves to shoot somewhere else, Edgar yells, "it's fixed!" and the camera moves back. All one shot, no cuts. Now it's possible that it was a new cameraman or the boat pitched or something to make the camera look away. But that kind of thing happens A LOT. The realistic side of me is telling me that Discovery does set up a lot stuff to create drama bc reality TV is anything but reality, but the fan side of me wants to ignore it and pretend like it never happens.

:iagree: I told dh if he dies that's who I'm gonna marry next.

He might be kinda stinky when he gets home from his Dirty Jobs jobs;)


We love that show! I haven't seen last night's episode yet, but we have it DVR'd to watch tonight. I haven't really warmed up to the new boats yet. It takes time to get to know the crew. I didn't like the Kodiak much either, even though a friend of mine is a sister-in-law to one of the crew of the Kodiak. I don't know how it is going to go for the Cornelia this year. It will be interesting to see the dynamic between Jake, Josh, and the new captain. I think it would be hard to be part owner of a boat and still have to take orders from the captain. I foresee issues between Jake and the new captain. I think Josh is mature enough to handle it, but I think that Jake has a ways to go.


It will be interesting to see, but so far they seem to have gotten along fine. I don't know what was up with the blow up between the captain and Steve though! That was crazy, worse than the fight between Jonathan and Keith last year. I wonder if they've worked together in the past or something and didn't like each other then. Because it just seemed so random and all of a sudden (and very not scripted).


We really like the show but I wish they would get rid of Keith (from The Wizard). He has rubbed me the wrong way ever since the season where he was crying all of the time. THERE'S NO CRYING IN CRAB FISHING!!!!

I know on the IMDB boards most people hate him, but I am usually more apathetic towards him. Bill on the Kodiak bugs me more. Last year I was constantly screaming at him, "Get a better crew!!! One who actually listens to you! Stop accepting disobedience!" But Keith did bug me this year when he had his first fit of the season and was screaming at his brother and Lenny. They did actually have a point about safety and it seemed like he just wanted blind obedience without caring about the safety of Paul.


I love the show! I didn't get to watch it last night thanks to storms but will catch up as soon as possible. I was really hesitant about this season though as Capt. Phil was a favorite and I had been reading about lawsuits between Discovery and one boat, and then that another capt was refusing to participate unless the lawsuit was dropped.
Oh my gosh, I don't know if it's completely resolved yet or not, I'm assuming yes, since they did actually go out and film. But last year when it was going on, I was so mad at Jonathan and Andy and Sig. I was like, "How stupid do you have to be to bite the hand that feeds you?" They all make so much money off of this show, they'd be stupid to throw it away. I'm thinking this year on After the Catch it will all be brushed under the rug. Though to be honest, I haven't like Jonathan and Andy since they fired Russell, imo that was just handled very poorly.
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:lol: I yell that at Keith all the time.


I noticed that we haven't even SEEN the Kodiak yet this season, though in the preview for next week it showed up. Gosh, wonder why they're not putting it in as often... :p


I'm so glad that Jake Anderson (Northwestern) is finally getting a chance to get up in the wheelhouse. That kid (I say kid... I think he's my age) has been through so. darn. much. They never really did say what happened to his dad last season, and really I wouldn't blame them if they never do share. First his sister, then his dad. What tragedy :(


I like the Seabrooke, and I'm glad the deck boss is off for a while. That was some serious attitude. He obviously wasn't happy about the captain's decisions (I'm guessing that includes the camera crew). I haven't decided whether I like the Ramblin' Rose yet. There's only so much "young gun" that I can take.


I hope the guys on the Cornelia Marie are able to get sorted out. I really like Josh, but Jake worries me. And if the new captain doesn't quit making such a big deal about how he's doing them a "favor" by being their captain, I'm pretty sure DH is going to hurl something through the TV. :D


I'm a bit of a Deadliest Catch addict, maybe... ;)

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:lol: I yell that at Keith all the time.


I noticed that we haven't even SEEN the Kodiak yet this season, though in the preview for next week it showed up. Gosh, wonder why they're not putting it in as often... :p


I'm so glad that Jake Anderson (Northwestern) is finally getting a chance to get up in the wheelhouse. That kid (I say kid... I think he's my age) has been through so. darn. much. They never really did say what happened to his dad last season, and really I wouldn't blame them if they never do share. First his sister, then his dad. What tragedy :(


I like the Seabrooke, and I'm glad the deck boss is off for a while. That was some serious attitude. He obviously wasn't happy about the captain's decisions (I'm guessing that includes the camera crew). I haven't decided whether I like the Ramblin' Rose yet. There's only so much "young gun" that I can take.


I hope the guys on the Cornelia Marie are able to get sorted out. I really like Josh, but Jake worries me. And if the new captain doesn't quit making such a big deal about how he's doing them a "favor" by being their captain, I'm pretty sure DH is going to hurl something through the TV. :D


I'm a bit of a Deadliest Catch addict, maybe... ;)

I'm glad they let Jake A run the boat for a little bit. I thought it was cute when he closed the window on Edgar's whining about it. But I wish they had been kinder to him, not such jerks. When Jake H got to run it, yeah he made mistakes, but they seemed to just laugh about it, not be so cruel

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I love the show! I didn't get to watch it last night thanks to storms but will catch up as soon as possible. I was really hesitant about this season though as Capt. Phil was a favorite and I had been reading about lawsuits between Discovery and one boat, and then that another capt was refusing to participate unless the lawsuit was dropped.



There was legal issues with the Time Bandit and Discovery, they dropped out of some things they had agreed to.


They seem like drama queens/attention whores to me. :lol:


Sig threatened to dop out if the lawsuit wasn't dropped, but I generally like Sig. He comes off as jerky but when things are on the line he seems genuine.

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