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school year round, telling the kids?


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After a lot of thought, I have concluded that it would be best for my kids to continue a light schedule over the summer this year. The reasons are:


ds5 is working through 100 EZ lessons and that needs to continue


ds7 has delays and benefits from continuing


dd9 has only been homeschooled for the past 2 years and we have some gaps to fill as we switched LA too many times, we are starting with FLL3 and WWE3


dd9 is the one who I suspect will not be so happy and might stir up trouble and try to get ds5 on side


yikes again!!!:eek::eek::eek:


anyone BTDT?

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We've always done homeschool "light" throughout the summer. My kids have always just known it's coming, but I can see how your older ones who have only done hsing for the past 2 years might be bummed. Try and approach it as a learning never stops in life kind of thing. Maybe make it so relaxed that they have a say in the planning with you??

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I actually talked to my DS5 about it this morning. I explained that we will be doing school during most of the summer while his friends aren't in school, but then we would have having lots of time off when his friends are in school. I am mostly doing it to avoid having to reteach everything again in Sept, but it is also great to have more time off when the weather isn't so hot (like May or Sept) and to take vacations throughout the year. I would be honest with them, tell them the benefits of it and hope for the best. You will probably meet with some resistance from your olders! However, if you guys are feeling some burnout in Oct and want to take a week off, you can! NICE!

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I would try to set goals for yourself and for your children. Then be sure to list the goals for the children in a prominent place where they can see them when they begin school for the summer. Have specific rewards for meeting "steps" to achieve the goal. That way they get to celebrate as they get closer to making the goal. Be sure the first step is sort of an easy one so they get rewarded quickly for their work. You might also want to make the rewards tied to good attitude as well.

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After a lot of thought, I have concluded that it would be best for my kids to continue a light schedule over the summer this year. The reasons are:


ds5 is working through 100 EZ lessons and that needs to continue


ds7 has delays and benefits from continuing


dd9 has only been homeschooled for the past 2 years and we have some gaps to fill as we switched LA too many times, we are starting with FLL3 and WWE3


dd9 is the one who I suspect will not be so happy and might stir up trouble and try to get ds5 on side


yikes again!!!:eek::eek::eek:


anyone BTDT?


Yes, and the way I handled it was to explain that we were doing just a little bit of schoolwork over the summer, when it was too hot to play outside in the middle of the day, so that we had more free time in the fall when it was so nice out outside.


it kind of worked.

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Ahhh.... I would approach it from a different angle. We school 6 weeks on, 1 week off (2 at Christmas), and then take a soft 6-8 week break during the summer. Soft break means we use those summer weeks to work 1-2 hours a day to do math practice, needed review, etc. So, here is my thought:


"Kids, how would you like to take more breaks during the school year? Say a WHOLE week off after every 6 weeks of school? (Find me a kid who wouldn't love this idea.) Well, to start this, we are going to have a soft summer to prepare and begin our new school calendar to do some review and such. We are only talking 1-2 hours a day - the faster you get your stuff done, the more you get to play."

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Thanks everyone


Well, we live in N Ireland and the weather is so unpredictable. We can easily have many rainy days (or weeks!) indoors in the summer break, which I might add is a shocking 9 weeks out of school! We typically follow the local school schedule, which is also a week in october, 2 over Christmas, and 2 over Easter.


I do like the 6 on 1 off idea...


Well, the light plan is just maths, reading/la and the read alouds I want to do that don't fit with our other studies ATM, probably 1.5hrs at day.


I will simply tell them tomorrow:001_unsure:

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I like going through out the year, we live in FLA and it is HOT during the summer, unless we go to the beach it is too hot to play outside. so we school in the summer and take off from thanksgiving to the new year, then start back up again. since we only do school 3-4 hours a day, they still have the rest of the day to do fun stuff. I like year round, however, we usually finish each grade early, but that is ok. nancyt.

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"Kids, how would you like to take more breaks during the school year? Say a WHOLE week off after every 6 weeks of school? (Find me a kid who wouldn't love this idea.) Well, to start this, we are going to have a soft summer to prepare and begin our new school calendar to do some review and such. We are only talking 1-2 hours a day - the faster you get your stuff done, the more you get to play."


Thank you so much! I have been playing with this idea for a while and I think that 6 on 1 off idea may work for my kids. They are usually done with school before lunch, and their PS friends don't come out to play until after lunch during the summer anyhow.... They may be pretty open to this!

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I am making a little chart of what we are doing each day.

For my oldest:

1. AAS/read to mom

2. Adding/subtracting on flashmaster, 3 minutes each

3. Practice for vision therapy and speech


He is the one who would complain. When he sees this and knows that he can get it done it probably 45 minutes...it doesn't seem bad like hearing "we are doing school all summer". He just needs to see and know what is expected. It will make the complaining much more minimal.


For my younger two: read to mom each day, my middle son will do homework for OT. They won't care at all, so it's no biggie.


They LOVE for me to read to them so we'll read through a few novels this summer but that won't "count" in their eyes.

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