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Allergy woes...any advice?

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I am highly allergic to basically everything. I am looking for any advice/ recommendations on changes I can make (besides ripping up carpet or encasing my mattress in plastic). How can I live w/ carpet and fabrics? We have no pets, a tempurpedic mattress, and probably need to change some pillows or something. Does anyone have an air purifier that works wonders? Has anyone had their air ducts cleaned and had improvement? I just started sublingual allergy drops, but that will take awhile to show any improvement if it even works. I take 5mg of clarinex and nasonex daily. I live in the allergy capital...help! TIA!

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An air cleaner with a Hepa filter is good. We have a Kenmore that we like. The air cleaners will say what size room it will clean on the box.


We have an electrostatic air cleaner on our furnace. It helps to collect the dust before it hits the air vents. I also got these rectangle sheets at Home Depot or Lowe's (they sell them at both places) that fit in your vents and can catch dust there. Make sure you change your filters every couple of months.

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I buy from http://www.allergybuyersclub.com .


They have a great chart for comparing air purifiers:



This one has done wonders for my 15yo:



Dh and I have one that isn't as good as hers, but has the noisy fan we need for white noise. Unfortunately, all the new air purifiers are silent and we need noise.

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Thank you for the recommendations and advice!


A good air purifier is top on my list...and maybe I can get dh to agree to remove carpet from the bedroom. It's just such a big expense to replace with hard floors.


I don't know how to deal w/ mold growth around our home. Our yard is a swamp at the moment thanks to the non-stop rain. We live in an area just not allergy friendly. Maybe some trees could be planted to suck up water, but I'm likely allergic to them too. :tongue_smilie:


Thank you!!

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We just had our A/C checked, and the company offers electrostatic filters, air duct cleaning, and indoor air quality testing. Just wondering if anyone has had any of the above? It is expensive so want to check it out first. Thanks!

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Air duct cleaning can be a biggie.... We have ancient radiators for heat, so no blowing allergens here.


Have you actually been tested for specific allergies? If you know what is the biggest allergen, then work on eliminating that.



You might look far an allergist, not a regular GP.



If the house is new to you, but not new, you might need to replace the carpets. It could be a mold issue under them.

Edited by lcelmer
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Air duct cleaning can be a biggie.... We have ancient radiators for heat, so no blowing allergens here.


Have you actually been tested for specific allergies? If you know what is the biggest allergen, then work on eliminating that.



You might look far an allergist, not a regular GP.



If the house is new to you, but not new, you might need to replace the carpets. It could be a mold issue under them.


I've had lots of allergy testing. As for environmental allergies, I'm allergic to everything...I got high positives on all the grasses, molds, weeds, trees, dust mites, and even yeast. I think the only way I can eliminate my exposure is to live in a plastic hypoallerginic bubble. :tongue_smilie: This most recent testing was done by a new ENT I went to for sinus issues. I also have been to multiple allergists, as I also have food allergies and EE. I just started allergy drops in hopes that eventually they will work and desensitize me. :001_huh:


In the meantime, I am trying to figure out what I can do to make it less allergy producing in the house. We did replace the living/ dining, hall carpeting. However, I want to remove the bedroom carpet and replace w/ something hard. Of course, looking at all the junk in the bedroom I see some de-cluttering is definitely in order. I'm re-thinking all our bedding too. Other than that, I was thinking about air quality and how to improve it, but I have had friends say duct cleaning is a scam or not helpful at least...so I'm wondering about electrostatic filters now.


So anyone w/ extreme allergies made an extreme home makeover?? Not sure what else I can do?:confused:

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sorry for all this ... :grouphug: allergies stink. :-P Hepa filters have helped us quite a bit... but DD & I have dust/mold/pollen allergies that trigger asthma attacks, so our main concern was to eliminate attacks from those triggers at home. We have wood flooring, HEPA filters, radiated heat (no blowing dust) no pets, and no old carpets, the hepa filter has made a big difference with my daughter especially.


I suppose you could try using a space heater in a specific area of the house, and close off the vent for a while to to see if that helps with air issues. :confused:

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Saline rinse and showering at night have provided a small measure of relief. For us, nothing really works. We are constantly miserable and I'm already on 3 allergy meds. Another thing you can do is fiddle with what medications you take. Zyrtec or Allegra may work better on you than Claritin. It just depends on the person.

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We've removed carpet, had ducts cleaned, bought allergy covers for mattresses and pillows, filters, etc. etc. etc.

Unfortunately, as soon as our 6 y.o. steps outside, it's all over because he reacts so strongly to the grass and tree pollen.

We've finally decided to start him on immunotherapy. It will take a couple years to get relief, but I remember it changed my brother's life for the better many years ago.

We don't have insurance to cover it and it's expensive, but it will be worth every penny to get my sweet boy some relief.

He's on Allegra right now which helps a little bit...which is better than nothing.

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I am terribly allergic to almost every pollen, to molds, dust mites, and who knows what else. I haven't been tested in years.


For me, allergy shots worked *wonderfully*. I am much, much, much better than I was as a child.


Every so often, for no apparent reason, I will have horrendouse allergy symptoms if a particular pollen is high (esp ragweed). On those days, I take Allegra. I used to mooch from my dd's prescription, but Allegra over the counter now.


For me and for my allergic children, Zyrtec (certizine) works better than Claritin (loratadine) and Allegra works even better. I am looking forward to when I can buy generic Allegra (fexofenadine).

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Look into AAT (advanced allergy therapeutics) or NAET. Google them and go get your allergies eliminated. http://Www.allergytx.com has a list of clinics worldwide as well as a description of the treatment. It is worth a try. I had pretty bad allergies to pollen and had them eliminated (or at least drastically reduced) a couple years ago. My 5yo nephew had his dust allergy eliminated in one session, and it hasn't come back! Seriously, it's worth a try!


Also you may want to read Raymond Francis' book- Never Be Sick Again. He had a ton of sensitivities and allergies also, but by changing his diet and lifestyle (mostly switching out the products he uses) he was able to get better.

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Have you thought of seeing a Chiropractor? I had one as a child that really helped me with my allergies and I have one now that also helps with my diet. It all goes into making the body stronger and letting it heal itself.


I have gone off and on..thanks for reminding to go back! If anything, it does make my neck and back feel better! :001_smile:

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Look into AAT (advanced allergy therapeutics) or NAET. Google them and go get your allergies eliminated. Www.allergytx.com has a list of clinics worldwide as well as a description of the treatment. It is worth a try. I had pretty bad allergies to pollen and had them eliminated (or at least drastically reduced) a couple years ago. My 5yo nephew had his dust allergy eliminated in one session, and it hasn't come back! Seriously, it's worth a try!


Also you may want to read Raymond Francis' book- Never Be Sick Again. He had a ton of sensitivities and allergies also, but by changing his diet and lifestyle (mostly switching out the products he uses) he was able to get better.


Another poster mentioned NAET. I will definitely look into this. I have heard of it somewhere but never really read into it. At this point, I guess it can not hurt to try it. If it works..well that would be wonderful! :001_smile:


Thanks for the book recommendation too. I tried to follow Nourishing Traditions awhile back, but found it hard to put into practice. I also cannot handle any milk, and that includes raw milk. I did make butter and cheese, but it was a lot of work for not sure how much benefit. I made my own stocks, and then would freeze them and forget I had them! :tongue_smilie: I need something a little more practical for my life right now, so maybe the Francis book will have some easier to implement changes. Thanks!!

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I am terribly allergic to almost every pollen, to molds, dust mites, and who knows what else. I haven't been tested in years.


For me, allergy shots worked *wonderfully*. I am much, much, much better than I was as a child.


Every so often, for no apparent reason, I will have horrendouse allergy symptoms if a particular pollen is high (esp ragweed). On those days, I take Allegra. I used to mooch from my dd's prescription, but Allegra over the counter now.


For me and for my allergic children, Zyrtec (certizine) works better than Claritin (loratadine) and Allegra works even better. I am looking forward to when I can buy generic Allegra (fexofenadine).


I just started sublingual drops instead of shots. Not sure if drops are as effective as shots, but I can do them at home. I hate to think it will take a year or more for effect! I have switched to OTC zyrtec, but I can't take anything 24 hrs before or after the drops. :(

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We've removed carpet, had ducts cleaned, bought allergy covers for mattresses and pillows, filters, etc. etc. etc.

Unfortunately, as soon as our 6 y.o. steps outside, it's all over because he reacts so strongly to the grass and tree pollen.

We've finally decided to start him on immunotherapy. It will take a couple years to get relief, but I remember it changed my brother's life for the better many years ago.

We don't have insurance to cover it and it's expensive, but it will be worth every penny to get my sweet boy some relief.

He's on Allegra right now which helps a little bit...which is better than nothing.


We haven't had ducts cleaned...I had several people tell me it doesn't really make a difference. Did it make a difference in your house? Yeah, i just started sublingual drops instead of shots. I don't know that they are as effective as they haven't been used as long...but I'm in the same boat and it will take a long while before we know if it works. I hope your son finds relief too!!

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Saline rinse and showering at night have provided a small measure of relief. For us, nothing really works. We are constantly miserable and I'm already on 3 allergy meds. Another thing you can do is fiddle with what medications you take. Zyrtec or Allegra may work better on you than Claritin. It just depends on the person.


I did start showers at night...I have a neti pot somewhere but haven't used it in awhile. I just switched to zyrtec too, but can't take it when I do the drops. I hope you find relief as well!!

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sorry for all this ... :grouphug: allergies stink. :-P Hepa filters have helped us quite a bit... but DD & I have dust/mold/pollen allergies that trigger asthma attacks, so our main concern was to eliminate attacks from those triggers at home. We have wood flooring, HEPA filters, radiated heat (no blowing dust) no pets, and no old carpets, the hepa filter has made a big difference with my daughter especially.


I suppose you could try using a space heater in a specific area of the house, and close off the vent for a while to to see if that helps with air issues. :confused:


Since you use radiated heat, what do you use HEPA filters on? I am considering an electrostatic filter for our furnace/ A/C. Do you use them on air purifiers? I want to get a high quality one for the bedroom.

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We haven't had ducts cleaned...I had several people tell me it doesn't really make a difference. Did it make a difference in your house? Yeah, i just started sublingual drops instead of shots. I don't know that they are as effective as they haven't been used as long...but I'm in the same boat and it will take a long while before we know if it works. I hope your son finds relief too!!


We didn't notice a difference having the ducts cleaned. I was not optimistic about it either, but felt like we had to try everything. Maybe it did help with his dust mite allergies but it wasn't noticeable since he still reacts to the pollen outside?

I haven't heard of the sublingual drops before~it's unfortunate it takes so long for it to be effective but I'm thinking of the long term benefits down the road!

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I've had lots of allergy testing. As for environmental allergies, I'm allergic to everything...I got high positives on all the grasses, molds, weeds, trees, dust mites, and even yeast. I think the only way I can eliminate my exposure is to live in a plastic hypoallerginic bubble. :tongue_smilie: This most recent testing was done by a new ENT I went to for sinus issues. I also have been to multiple allergists, as I also have food allergies and EE. I just started allergy drops in hopes that eventually they will work and desensitize me. :001_huh:




You can come live n my bubble with me. :D I too am terribly allergic to pretty much everything (except dogs!) and it is awful. We joke that if it grows, moves or produces something, I'm probably allergic to it. Sadly, it's true.

The sublingual drops will take a long time to take effect. Have you had allergy shots? If not, I'm really surprised they didn't start you off with shots first. Neither of the allergists I saw in the States would do drops until after at least 6 months of shots. In TN, I had to get 8 (yes 8) shots a week. Ugh!

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  • 3 months later...
I am highly allergic to basically everything. I am looking for any advice/ recommendations on changes I can make (besides ripping up carpet or encasing my mattress in plastic). How can I live w/ carpet and fabrics? We have no pets, a tempurpedic mattress, and probably need to change some pillows or something. Does anyone have an air purifier that works wonders? Has anyone had their air ducts cleaned and had improvement? I just started sublingual allergy drops, but that will take awhile to show any improvement if it even works. I take 5mg of clarinex and nasonex daily. I live in the allergy capital...help! TIA!


I have known people with severe allergies to have excellent results with NAET therapy. (research for info) Also, on a diet forum I frequented recently, people were having good results treating both food and airborne allergies with a 'lasering method.' I know it sounds strange, but here is the link in case you want to read through the loooong thread. http://hcgdietinfo.com/hcgdietforums/f32/grammys-laser-method-food-sensitivities-15743/index7.html

I have not tried either method personally. Best wishes in your search for help :)

Edited by texasmel
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