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Toddlers - a rant

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I really just need to scream for a minute!


DS (almost 2) is driving me absolutely insane! I swear the child hasn't touched a toy in months. 99% of his time awake is spent getting into things. Everything. I can't even keep up with him, let alone get anything else done. While I'm cleaning up one mess, he's making another. He's into the water dispenser for the fridge (he's learned to unlock it), the pantry (opening doors is a new thing too), the bathroom, the cupboards, the school books, the utensil drawer in the kitchen, the board games (which are in the basement in the laundry room!!), my phone, the computers, the garbage, and so on.


Closing him off in a baby safe room is not feasible with the layout of my house, and he would climb the gates anyway.


Sigh. Rant over. Thanks for "listening".

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:grouphug: Screaming right along with you.


My just turned 2 year old is the same way. Turn your back on him for an instant and you have a huge mess to clean up. Clean up that mess and he has destroyed another room. He also is one of those that you can't lock out of anything. Add in a 7 month old who screams if you put him down, and a 3 year old who urges the 2 year old to get into trouble and you've got the zoo I try to call my house.


It's amazing that my almost 6 year old has had time to learn anything this year!

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:grouphug: Screaming right along with you.


My just turned 2 year old is the same way. Turn your back on him for an instant and you have a huge mess to clean up. Clean up that mess and he has destroyed another room. He also is one of those that you can't lock out of anything. Add in a 7 month old who screams if you put him down, and a 3 year old who urges the 2 year old to get into trouble and you've got the zoo I try to call my house.


It's amazing that my almost 6 year old has had time to learn anything this year!


Oh, my 4yr old joins right in, even if she knows she's not supposed to. She figures if he's doing it, she can too.

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My 3 year old is the one whispering in his ear to climb to stool and unlock the cabinet and bring the candy to her room. Unfortunately for me the 2 year old is really good at following directions and will do whatever the 3 year old says. I found their large stash of candy in her room this morning when they came out from playing in there all sticky-faced.


She's slowly realizing that she gets in trouble for telling him to do it even if she isn't the one actually doing it.

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I wonder if you can put child safety latches on most of the drawers and cupboards but clean out one lower cupboard/cabinet that you can fill with things that he's ALLOWED to get into. Not toys, either. Just.. things. Wooden cooking spoons that he can bang on pot lids. Measuring cups and funnels. Little tools and utensils and things that he can play with.


Some of the other things, well, I remember having had to do some creative childproofing that was not very attractive but which was only temporary after all. :)


Hang in there!


He'll be older before you know it.

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Active one here too! :)


We lovingly refer to him as Dennis (as in Dennis the Menace!)


When he's being particularly active in making mess after mess and aggravating his siblings or the dog or anyone else in his path. . .we call that MENACE MODE :D


Today my little darling dumped the parmesan cheese all over the kitchen floor and then proceeded to clean it up all by himself! (do you know how that works with a dry towel? )


Then he went on to empty his own potty and bring me the dripping seat for "show and tell".


Fun! Fun! :lol:

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I feel your pain too. My second is almost two and literally bounces off the walls. We had to get a Walmart play yard because our house layout won't work with gates either and there are times when I HAVE to make sure he stays safe, like making dinner and my hands have meat germs on them or when I'm nursing baby and can't jump up to grab him if he gets into anything. He's tried climbing it a few times, but every time is reminded how horrible it hurts his toes. If this kid makes it to 18 without any ER visits, I'll consider it a miracle. When I was 8 months pregnant with DD, I was seriously worried he'd die in an accident with all the stuff he was doing.

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Why, you must have a child related to Schmooey by osmosis! I am pretty sure his goal in life is to make sure his sisters remain uneducated and ignorant. If I am not actually looking at him, he's getting into something, somewhere. His latest favorites are getting into lotion or cream, any kind he can find, and covering himself and everything around him with it, and then putting however much TP is left on the roll into the toilet and then seeing if it flushes. :glare:


Bless his little pea-pickin' heart. :D

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I'm right there with you. :glare:


We did install the locks on all the cabinet doors in the kitchen, because the mess was unbelievable.


Yesterday he flooded the bathroom - scooping water from the toilet onto the floor and basket with books and catalogs. Nice.


Today I had a bright idea to give him a homemade "fudgesicle", got distracted and here it is - a masterpiece on the hallway wall. Ugh.

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We did/do have cabinet locks on the undersink cabinet, but one of them is broken or something, because it doesn't work. I've tried to install them on all the cabinets, but they are hard??? Hubby is supposed to be doing it, but.......well, we can see how well that's working. I think he installed them wrong anyway, and that's why they aren't working.


I REALLY need a drawer lock on 2 of the drawers. One he uses to climb on the counter and the other has all of the utensils in it.


((HUGS)) to all of you in my shoes. I really, really feel for you. It is exhausting.

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:grouphug: Sounds like my house. Let's see:


Kitchen chairs used to be trains... now they are weapons.


That whole "let your kids play in the Tupperware cabinet" advice is a joke. DS1 almost lost a thumbnail from slamming it in the cabinet door. DS2 shoves DS1 in like a locker and sits in front of the door. And I can't count the number of bruises they've had from slipping on plastic lids. Ice trays are not ice skates, but they don't believe me.


That whole "let your kids play in the sink while you cook" advice is a joke. The water never stays in the sink, the sprayer nozzle turns into a weapon, and I'm shocked no one has a concussion from slipping on the wet floor... ACROSS the room. Oh, and they pulled the (brand new) faucet completely off the sink base.


Judge me all you want, but they eat McDonald's for lunch once about every other week because I need a break. Any other meal requires about 45 minutes of clean up.


They use the kitchen drawers as a ladder.


They took dishcloths and used them to drink out of the toilet.


They've turned the master bathroom sink into a waterfall.


They didn't drag out all the toilet paper across the house. But the cats did. I don't even get a reprieve from the mess when the kids aren't being naughty.



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:grouphug: Sounds like my house. Let's see:


Kitchen chairs used to be trains... now they are weapons.


That whole "let your kids play in the Tupperware cabinet" advice is a joke. DS1 almost lost a thumbnail from slamming it in the cabinet door. DS2 shoves DS1 in like a locker and sits in front of the door. And I can't count the number of bruises they've had from slipping on plastic lids. Ice trays are not ice skates, but they don't believe me.


That whole "let your kids play in the sink while you cook" advice is a joke. The water never stays in the sink, the sprayer nozzle turns into a weapon, and I'm shocked no one has a concussion from slipping on the wet floor... ACROSS the room. Oh, and they pulled the (brand new) faucet completely off the sink base.


Judge me all you want, but they eat McDonald's for lunch once about every other week because I need a break. Any other meal requires about 45 minutes of clean up.


They use the kitchen drawers as a ladder.


They took dishcloths and used them to drink out of the toilet.


They've turned the master bathroom sink into a waterfall.


They didn't drag out all the toilet paper across the house. But the cats did. I don't even get a reprieve from the mess when the kids aren't being naughty.




YES!! This is my house.

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Ah, the joys of toddlers! My 22 month old is a bossy monkey! He's also into everything, all the time, and you can't turn your back on him for a second. This week he started pulling keys off the computer keyboards. (!!!) I don't even know how he figured out how to do this, but if he's anywhere near the computer and you turn your back, he's there like a shot to grab the keys right off.


Perhaps the thing that is the most crazy-making is that he likes to spit his food out on the floor. He will stuff his mouth full then, when he's done, he will just spit his last bite out on the floor. Drives me nuts! But we can't figure out how to get him to stop it, short of not feeding him. :lol:


We lock the bathroom doors up and downstairs and watch him like a hawk so he doesn't go in the one on the main floor while we're not watching. I also use elastic bands on most of the double cupboard doors so he can't open anything, and try to keep the messiest/most dangerous stuff up out of his reach. I'm starting to think that bolting the chairs to the floor would be nice!


I am very, very thankful for my two older kids, who are great at watching for potential issues and being my extra eyes. If I could only break the boys of the habit of screaming at each other, I'd be set!

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:grouphug: Sounds like my house. Let's see:


Kitchen chairs used to be trains... now they are weapons.


That whole "let your kids play in the Tupperware cabinet" advice is a joke. DS1 almost lost a thumbnail from slamming it in the cabinet door. DS2 shoves DS1 in like a locker and sits in front of the door. And I can't count the number of bruises they've had from slipping on plastic lids. Ice trays are not ice skates, but they don't believe me.


That whole "let your kids play in the sink while you cook" advice is a joke. The water never stays in the sink, the sprayer nozzle turns into a weapon, and I'm shocked no one has a concussion from slipping on the wet floor... ACROSS the room. Oh, and they pulled the (brand new) faucet completely off the sink base.


Judge me all you want, but they eat McDonald's for lunch once about every other week because I need a break. Any other meal requires about 45 minutes of clean up.


They use the kitchen drawers as a ladder.


They took dishcloths and used them to drink out of the toilet.


They've turned the master bathroom sink into a waterfall.


They didn't drag out all the toilet paper across the house. But the cats did. I don't even get a reprieve from the mess when the kids aren't being naughty.




No judgment... just commiseration!

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