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Ragdoll cats...

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what's UP with them?

We got Persia a couple months ago. She's an awesome cream ragdoll with blue points. She is 9 mths old now. I am not new to cats at all, but this one has purrsonality! She has taken to climbing the corners of my walls like Spidey, all the way up to the ceiling. Nothing like turning the corner and coming eye to eye with a furry blue-eyed thing. She sits on our kitchen chairs backwards with her paws neatly stacked on the high back of the chair, tummy stretched along the back support. She looks like she's at a bar and is ready to order! She completely flops all over the place (I know... RAGDOLL) but I didn't expect her to flop mid-walk up the stairs only to fall down one, or 2 inches in front of your walking path! She quickly and tightly weaves around your walking legs then POOF she's down. The falling down thing: she's always falling! I have seen this in other cats, but this one is just so... I don't know... flopsy and goofy! What do you ragdoll lovers say? Is this a breed standard? I love her like crazy, but I just cannot believe how... um... special she is. :lol:

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She sits on our kitchen chairs backwards with her paws neatly stacked on the high back of the chair, tummy stretched along the back support. She looks like she's at a bar and is ready to order!

I know nothing about ragdoll cats, so can't help there, but we did have a cat who liked to sit with his front legs resting on something, but with his rear end completely in a seated position. We always joked that he looked like he was at a bar. He'd usually do this on the bottom rungs of chairs (sitting on the floor, front legs resting on a rung), or on the top two steps (bottom half on one step, upper half on the top).

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My dh found a very furry kitty nearly 5 years ago in a guest laundry room when we were at an extended stay hotel while waiting for our new place. He was stuck behind the dryer. He doesn't have blue eyes, but he's nearly killed me many times by flopping at my feet, after winding through them. He's the floppiest kitty I know. He also loves to be carried around like a baby.

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Look at Mocha, our Ragdoll, under Soph's Ask the Vet social group.


My sister has had 2 Ragdolls for years. I know very little about cats, but my dd wanted one so I researched them. My sister suggested Ragdolls.


Well, my dh and I know about dogs...labs specifically. We have our 2nd one, but first cat. We rescued our cat from CA high kill shelter.


My sister was right all around. Ragdolls do "flop" hence the name "rag doll". Our cat used to knead on us and bury her head into our neck. She winds through our legs and flops. She flops anywhere, anytime. The Ragdoll cat "acts" dog-like....in as much as dogs lay on our backs and sprawl....so too does the Ragdoll. They are also more dependent and "social" with humans b/c they do act more dog-like.


Our cat is BEAUTIFUL and FULL OF LOVE like you would not believe. We could not have picked our a better cat!!


Now, I need to post a pic of our lab, huh!!!!

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Oh my goodness! I LOVE Ragdoll cats! I had one who passed away 6 years ago whom I adopted from a shelter. His name was Gable. He was the most beautiful, loving, floppy kitty, and I miss him still. :crying:


He would throw himself all over the place, hang upside down off the couch, flop in our arms, hang himself over chair backs (like yours), etc. Every night, he'd fall asleep under the blankets with me; then he would leave at some point during the night. Sometime near dawn, he'd tap my cheek with his paw so I would lift the blankets for him; from there, he'd stay with me until I awoke for the day.


He was, by far, the best cat we've ever had. Enjoy your sweet kitty! :001_smile:

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My ragdoll boy is the floppiest thing! He is extremely mellow. He falls asleep when I give him his semi-annual Lion-cut shave. He lets the girls do anything to him and has been known to walk around in a tutu and boa. He had painted toenails just last week. He isn't completely a girly-man though because he's killed a few snakes that have invaded his lanai. :D

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