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Do you cut your own grass?

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We're probably different than anyone else, but we let our ponies mow our grass for us. The whole area around our house is fenced except for the road that cuts through it and the road gets VERY little traffic. So, we let the ponies out of their pasture for up to 2 hours twice a day when the grass needs mowing. We sit at the escape points (and the fruit trees when they have fruit) and get a couple of hours of reading in while they do the lawn. The lawn and field behind us probably totals about 4 acres or so. A couple of times a year I go over it with a riding mower to even it all up, but that's it.


We've grown to absolutely love the reading time outdoors. The neighbors get a kick out of it and enjoy seeing the ponies out. If they have young kids visiting they'll walk down to see the ponies. When my boys were younger some of the visiting grandparents of our neighbors would pay them a quarter or dollar for a "toll." It's also been ideal at teaching my young boys patience and, in general, encouraging them to read.

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Just a retired guy that lives in the neighborhood:). He does a lot of the neighborhood and surrounding areas. I have no idea how he files his income....


Yes, there are a lot of retired people who mow lawns for extra income. It isn't their sole source of income, though. That really makes a difference in what they are willing to "settle for" in payment -- esp. if they are not claiming the income.


I'm really not complaining and am honestly not being snippy, but I am always astonished when I hear people complain about how much services cost. Unless a person is self-employed, it's really hard to understand how it works.


We make a decent living, but we have absolutely no benefits -- no retirement unless we put it away, no health care, no paid sick time, vacations, etc. Just trying to plan any time away from home is such a headache because if it rains that week, we have to change our plans because the lawns have to get mowed, and my husband cannot just call in sick or not show up because then we don't get paid and the customer gets unhappy. Then, even when my husband is home from work, he's fixing equipment, sharpening blades, changing the oil, calling customers, taking care of business.


There is also a tremendous amount of tax paperwork that needs to be monthly, quarterly and annually. It is quite the headache.


Didn't mean to go off complaining. I've been on the employee side of things before as has my husband. It's just a different thing being a small business owner. :D

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Dh cuts our grass, but Emma really wants to learn to use the riding mower. I think she and Abbie are both old enough. I'm sure my brother and I were mowing our lawn and my grandparents' lawn next door by their age. We had to trade off doing the riding mower with the trimming with the push mower.

I mowed the lawn when I was in 6th grade (11 yrs old). I used a push mower (gas powered). The following year we had a riding mower and I used that. That's when I liked mowing. :001_smile:

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I dream of a zero turn radius mower. I mow about 2.5-3 acres, and it takes a long time with my 48" rider. Trees, trees, and more trees.


Me, too. Less land but lots of trees, shrubs, bushes, and flower beds to mow around.My neighbor has brand new zero turn. (I will not covet. I will not covet....)


We mow our acre ourselves. After all, if we hired it done, would those guys care enough to mow around the pretty blue wildflowers like my husband does????

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Yes we do everything.


I have a 1/4 acre lot but only a small part is grass. The rest is trees and ground cover. I use a push mower for the grass part and do all of the plant maintenance and raking myself. DH does tree trimming and bigger stuff. I love any excuse to be outside.

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