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Independent Curriculum


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Is there any curriculm out there that writes the student assignments directly to the students? I have a 4th grader and 5th grader who I would like to have working more independently, so that I can teach three younger kids to read, etc. Any suggestions? Unit studies? Individual subjects?


I have considered having them follow the schedule for Sonlight or HOD independently, a bit. Has anyone done this? Success? Failure?


I also saw the curriculum Trail Guide to Learnning- Paths of... Anyone used this? Liked it?



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Although I've accomplished almost the same thing by writing detailed assignment sheets for each kid and picking curriculum carefully. They know that if they get stuck and I'm busy, they should move on to another subject. I mark on some subjects that they have to show me their work before they can cross it off.

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Science - Apologia, talks directly to the student


Math - Saxon as long as you include the Saxon Teacher CDs (or DIVE, but I prefer Saxon Teacher because they have the option to click on ANY problem throughout the whole book and they will explain it to you step by step)


Language Arts - Writing Strands (but you'd have to find something else as well, that's just part of our lessons.) and actually I usually read this.


History - Story of the World would probably be possible, we just like to read it together and I ask the questions from the workbook (5 minutes) and assign a project once or twice a week.


Foreign Language - Rosetta Stone


As you can probably guess, I tend to favor pretty independent curriculum. :) We have 5 kids at five levels, and the ones we do together (Writing Strands and Story of the World) can be geared to a wide variety of ages at the same time and then assignments can be the same, just different expectations for the results.

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and found it doesn't fit our needs, but I thought I'd bookmark it as a reference for someone else. It's called Robinson Self-Teaching Curriculum. Someone else on the boards referenced this site as a great resource for free information. I don't know if his curriculum is what you're looking for, but it might be worth checking into just in case.




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