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If you've had Mirena over 6 months, could you answer this question?

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I had Mirena inserted two months ago. Of the past 66 days I've spotted 48. Can someone give me an idea of their experience...when will the spotting end? Did you find that you were similar or am I an oddball? Once the consistent spotting ended did you get spotting on a more regular basis, much like a period, or did you get a period?



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This came up a couple of weeks ago, too. Individual experiences seemed to differ greatly. Some people had no spotting, no periods after a while... some had regular periods, some had heavy spotting for a long time, some had light spotting over time.


I personally hate this thing with a passion. For me, after the first few months, I kept getting a regular to heavy period, and it's made my cramping worse. There have also been reports of depression, weight gain, and inability to lose any weight while some women have it in.

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I had mine for 6 yrs. I really don't think I spotted that much in the beginning, though they say it's possible. I did spot some in the beginning, but not like that.


For me, my periods totally stopped until the hormone began to run out. That part was nice.


I had other side effects thought that I didn't fully realize until the hormone began to run out and then I had it removed.

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I didn't spot much at all, and after a few months I stopped having my period. I had it for abour 4 years, and I also didn't realize some of the side effects I was having until I had it taken out. None of my problems started suddenly, it was a slow process. Basically, I got more and more headaches, moodiness, fatigue, and I would go through periods where I just felt pregnant (but I definitely wasn't). I could also feel it sometimes. I would have cramps or twinges. Once I had the mirena removed, I really started to feel better, and the cramps were gone immediately. When I first asked my doctor if mirena could have caused my issues, he didn't think it would. After I insisted on having it removed and started getting better, he admitted that some women do have those issues with the hormones, but it's rare. Anyway, sorry to ramble. Just watch for symptoms, even a year or two later.

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If I recall correctly, I spotted constantly for a good nine months. When that finally stopped, I got periods that were lighter than they'd used to be- however, they came more often, like every two weeks. I ended up getting sick of it and having it removed after I'd had it for a little over a year.

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Gosh the responses are all over the place! I guess it really is an individual experience!


I'll say that no more heavy cycles are wonderful, but the constant spotting is a drag.


I'll keep watch for symptoms that slowly sneak up on me, too. Sigh. Can I just ask for a hysterectomy???? :)

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I don't have a Mirena, I have a Paragard so I can't speak to the hormone aspect of the Mirena. However, with the IUD, I have noticed more intense cramping just before my period and my periods are SO HEAVY! Otherwise, I don't have spotting, just a heavy period for 3-4 days.


Someone mentioned their IUD "fell out"....YIKES! That is scary.

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