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Gift for RCIA candidate?

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I am sponsoring a lovely young woman who is joining the Catholic Church and will receive her sacraments at the Easter Vigil. I am wracking my brain to think of a gift to get her. She is a mom of a 1yo who works full time. I'd love to get her a book, but I don't want to get her something too heavy because I know she wants to devote most of her energy to her young son and husband with the little time she gets with them each day.


Any suggestions?

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I'd look for something that would make her life a bit easier...be it a gift card for a meal, or groceries, or a book store.


I remember all too well the chaos and stress of working full time with little people at home...anything that made life a bit easier was always such a blessing.

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Throughout my RCIA process, I recieved: a beautiful rosary, a religious medallion that I wore everyday until I lost it :(, a book of devotions, a missal, various books on the Mass, a book of household prayers...


Here is the link for the book of prayers. I *loved* this gift. It was perfect for someone who hadn't grown up religious and really didn't know how to incorporate prayer into my life. http://www.amazon.com/Catholic-Household-Blessings-Prayers-Committee/dp/1574556452/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1302975931&sr=8-1

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A nice icon or crucifix. When we converted, one thing we tried to do was make our home Catholic and some icons and a crucifix went a long way towards reminding us of the change and commitment we had made.


I agree with this. I would love to get more crucifix(es?) lol...we are getting confirmed this Easter vigil as well. :)

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I was a sponsor last year, and gave my friend a book-thong made by another friend (who makes them as a part-time business) inside a biography of her chosen patron saint. A lot of saint bios are written in almost a novel kind of tone, so not too terribly deep for a mom. I like the idea of a magazine, too - if she's thinking of homeschooling someday, Mater Et Magistra could give her a head start. Another book possibility is The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood, but it might be a little overwhelming when she's already starting something new (both in her faith and at home).

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I agree with this. I would love to get more crucifix(es?) lol...we are getting confirmed this Easter vigil as well. :)


So are we--well, myself and my three daughters. My husband is already Catholic. I was going to go look for something special I could give each of my children. I like the ideas others have shared here. Thanks.

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