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WWYD? Difference in financial situation, promises to children, making things equal


  1. 1. WWYD?

    • Car
    • Wedding or equivalent expenses
    • Car and wedding or equivalent expenses
    • other
    • None-"sorry kid, plans changed"

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My four kids are spaced out 10 years, and we are better off financially now than when my oldest was a teen. My oldest gripes and complains quite a bit about how she didn't get this or that but her siblings get it now. Or how if she wanted something when she was a teen she would have had to pay for it herself but I will buy it for her siblings. I tell her I don't want to hear about it. Things will never be fair or even and that's just how it is.


Times change, incomes change, and priorities change, so a financial promise made years ago may or may not be honored.


If the parents can't afford a car they shouldn't go into debt to get the DD one. I would think the DD would suspect this is the case since she knows her dad is disabled.

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Sometimes life changes and child #4 needs to understand that. Her parents cannot afford to give her the things they wanted to. That's just the way it is. I'm sure they will help her as much as possible and I'm sure they still love her very much. Perhaps the older siblings can help.


Eta- I'm a little surprised by the amount of people who think that old, disabled peope should go into debt for this.


Eta 2- Doh! I don't remember this as an old thread. Must've been absent that day.

Edited by Scuff
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Now that this old thread got resurrected, can we get an update? What did they decide to do?


The child eloped in the summer unexpectedly. She just came home from a long weekend away, married. :0) I suspect she did it just to save the money from a wedding. Baby on the way due this early summer. Still in college, trying to finish the year before baby comes in May/June. I think the dd bought her own car or it may be the husbands previous car, and he got a new one.


The daughter seems to have just moved on from the 'promises' and went on about her life.


My friend feels bad, but knows that the situation is just what it is. I suggested to her that she offer free daycare for a year or so, to help the new family but I don't know what she will ultimately do.


It was interesting to hear everyones perspective and at I directed the poll to her to read.


Thanks again for the input everyone, she appreciated hearing the different points of view.

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