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Ginny May

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I hope I am doing this right? I just signed up and have never done a thread before:001_smile:


I am getting ready to buy my curriculum for next year.


My kids are not the best at Math.


I used SOS math for my 6th grader and that was not good.


So I don't know if I should spend over $100.00 for Teaching textbooks.


I have (this fall) a 4th and 7th grade.


Please tell me the good and bad of TEACHING TEXTBOOKS. :confused:


The other thing I am looking at is SINGAPORE. (I know way different)


I will buy there one but I thought the TT would be different and I like the tutoring part:001_smile:

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Singapore is a very strong program, advanced and heavy to teach. It does require more from mom. TT is independent and great for motivating kids who don't enjoy math. It has proven itself IMO, and I consider it the key thing that has saved our last 2 years of homeschooling. Some don't like it because they say it's not rigorous enough, or it's too fun. So what? Who says math must be a drudgery in order to learn? Rigorous enough? I think there's enough test scores that prove that TT students learn more than most kids learn in public school. That's saying something. ;)

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I want to say thank you everyone for taking the time to write me.

I am sorry I did not find the older post about TT.


I think 7th grade is already graded :001_smile: That is one thing I liked about it but I did not want to get my kids into something and then next year not like it because it was not graded and then TT posted on FB that they were going to grade the upper grades :D


New!! Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1 2.0 version!

by Teaching Textbooks on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 at 6:48am



Now my question is. HOw long does it take your kids to do a lesson or seaction a day? (because of co-op we have a 4 day school week)

That was something I liked about SOS is that I put in the school year and it gave what needed to be done each day. So I'm worried we will not know if we are behind.

I know every child is different but just a ballpark? on how long to allow??? I have not seen TT just read reviews/ TT website demo.


This week is our hs conference. I know TT will answer my questions but I want honest Mom answers before going ;)


????????????????????????????? Thank you so much!!!


I love that there is a workbook that goes with it. So I can sometimes have them do the work on paper :)

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My 2nd grade DS is using TT now and we like it so much that I'm ordering it for my 3rd grade DD. It usually takes DS maybe 20-30 minutes per lesson (depending on how much playing around he does :rolleyes:). It will probably take longer next year as I will require them both to work the problems by hand in the workbook prior to entering their answers in the computer. But, I absolutely love that he can do all his work by himself, with only needing the occasional help from me on particular problems. And as he gets stronger in his reading, anything he doesn't understand from the computer lecture, he'll be able to read through in the workbook to reinforce.


My DD is somewhat the opposite of my son. She reads very, very well, but tends to "skip over" most of the explanations in her math book and just move on to the problems. By doing TT, she'll have to listen to the lecture before doing the work.

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Just so everyone knows what I was specifically told at the conference by a rep. The new versions will probably not be out until August and some September. You can purchase the older versions and then return them for the newer version at your expense, unless you purchased at the conference.


I am choosing to wait.

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That is very cool they are willing to let you exchange the TT. Thank you so much for letting us know that. That is very good to know.


Ok 30 minutes. Yes I understand the spacing off:iagree:. That is why I wanted to know how long :glare:


This must be great stuff for 100% positive feedback. :)

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Another question. In the sample program you can have the tutor show how to work the problem. I am not sure if it solves the entire or exact problem but is there anything to stop a child from just having that do the entire lesson? Other than sitting with him? I am hoping to use that time to work with my other kiddo but my older gets discouraged and thinks he can't rather easily and would use that button constantly if it was available to do the work for him.

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... TT is independent and great for motivating kids who don't enjoy math. It has proven itself IMO, and I consider it the key thing that has saved our last 2 years of homeschooling. Some don't like it because they say it's not rigorous enough, or it's too fun. So what? Who says math must be a drudgery in order to learn? Rigorous enough? I think there's enough test scores that prove that TT students learn more than most kids learn in public school. That's saying something. ;)



This is how I feel exactly! My dd's math scores are much higher than they were before when we used other math curriculum. I am relieved of the task of teaching math to her, which I will gladly hand over to the very capable hands of TT. The payoffs are great because dd is successfully learning and mastering math, and I have more time to prepare and teach other subjects.


They are upgrading their upper level math from pre-algebra on up to include automatic grading. These will be done sometime in August is what the rep told me at the conference. I would wait to order until then.


I was very pleased when I visited their website this week to see that the new versions are now available. Thank goodness, it was just in time for our step up to Pre Algebra!


BTW, the OP asked about length of time for each lessons. It usually takes about 30 minutes to do grades 6 and 7 from our experience. I am assuming it will be about the same going forward. We've been doing TT7 four days per week supplemented with LOF on Fridays since mid August last year, and dd will be finished by the end of May.




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Another question. In the sample program you can have the tutor show how to work the problem. I am not sure if it solves the entire or exact problem but is there anything to stop a child from just having that do the entire lesson? Other than sitting with him? I am hoping to use that time to work with my other kiddo but my older gets discouraged and thinks he can't rather easily and would use that button constantly if it was available to do the work for him.


We only have TT3 and TT5. The child has to do the problem first. If its incorrect they have a second chance or they can see how to solve it. If they choose the second chance and still get it incorrect they have the option to see or move on.

In the parent section you can see if your child is watching the problem being worked out, how many times they tried etc.


I have my child try again and if they still did not do the problem correct, they are to hit the 'yes' button and watch.


Table of Contents :001_smile:




Thank you!

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We love TT!!! Indy does 1-2 lessons a day. Many times he'll do 1 lesson and ASK if he can do another! :hurray: They usually take around 20-30 minutes per lesson (unless he's goofing around and changing the animation at the top a lot). He has to attempt the problem before he can see the solution (and there is a second chance before this). In the parent grade book, you can see if they attempted t problem twice and if they viewed the solution on the problems they missed. Indy was just going on until I told him I could see that he wasn't looking at the solution. He was busted and he knew it. :D

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This is how I feel exactly! My dd's math scores are much higher than they were before when we used other math curriculum. I am relieved of the task of teaching math to her, which I will gladly hand over to the very capable hands of TT. The payoffs are great because dd is successfully learning and mastering math, and I have more time to prepare and teach other subjects.




I was very pleased when I visited their website this week to see that the new versions are now available. Thank goodness, it was just in time for our step up to Pre Algebra!


BTW, the OP asked about length of time for each lessons. It usually takes about 30 minutes to do grades 6 and 7 from our experience. I am assuming it will be about the same going forward. We've been doing TT7 four days per week supplemented with LOF on Fridays since mid August last year, and dd will be finished by the end of May.





Thank you we just got the TT in the mail and the kids are ready started. It is for next year:glare: I am new here what is OP?

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My 6th grade son is using TT6. We love it!!


So far we haven't used the workbook. He works the problems on the computer and does most of the math in his head. The students are often instructed to compute the problem in their heads. If my son misses a problem, I have him "do the math" in a notebook, showing all of the steps used to solve the problem. This way I can make certain he is comprehending everything. So far, his errors are simple "calculation" errors and not due to not understanding the math.


In addition to working out the problem in the notebook, I have him watch the "how to solve" instruction when he misses a problem.


He is getting excellent scores on his lessons and quizes.

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Thank you. I bought my TT from the hs confrence so they told me if it was to easy or to hard. I could exchange it. I thought that was very nice. So I am not letting the kids use the books. My son is doing fine with that but my DD not so much. But she is doing good now that she has notebook paper to work on. I think after we know if this is a good fit. I might have them do a few pages so I can have examples of their work???:D: I like the tutor part also :O)

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