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Homeshcooling in a Small Space (pics of our new school room)

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When we moved, we lost our dedicated school room. We now share space with the dining room. It was way too small for our stuff, and it was impossible to keep clean. After getting really frustrated with the situation, I finally boxed up everything we aren't currently using, threw a bunch of stuff out, started another donation box, rearranged furniture, and reorganized. It took me over three hours, but it was worth it.


I posted photos on my blog of the finished room. It feels like, compared to some, that we are really practicing minimalist homeschooling.

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It looks great..really well organized :) .


Please take solace in the fact that it's much more room that I have in our school area :) .


Our school area is currently occupying a quarter of our already small (maybe 10 ft. by 12 ft.) den.



Yes, we do have use of a large table, which is nice. One of the problems I'm trying to solve is that we want to build a marble run with multiple steps and chain reactions but have nowhere to put it. Anything we build has to be created and disassembled before the next meal.

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Love it! I love seeing pics of other homeschool spaces. We recently moved out of our dedicated room, and it has been a challenge to figure out our new plan.


Thanks for the inspiration.


(We do all of our marble runs on the floor, now you have me pondering whether we could do them on the table!)

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Wow - great job!!!


For the marble run and other such projects, could you get a piece of plywood or something like that to put on the table? You could line the back with a soft fabric to protect the table, and then when it's time to eat, the whole board can be picked up and moved temporarily to the living room.

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When we moved, we lost our dedicated school room. We now share space with the dining room. It was way too small for our stuff, and it was impossible to keep clean. After getting really frustrated with the situation, I finally boxed up everything we aren't currently using, threw a bunch of stuff out, started another donation box, rearranged furniture, and reorganized. It took me over three hours, but it was worth it.


I posted photos on my blog of the finished room. It feels like, compared to some, that we are really practicing minimalist homeschooling.


Great job! We also school in a small space (shared dining room!) and my set-up is very similar to yours. Our room looks a bit longer than yours which is nice, but I have many of the same problems as you (limited wall space, limited shelf space, limited space for shelves, multiple ages, etc....) so was interested to see your blog!


I think you did a great job!! Happy Schooling!

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When we moved, we lost our dedicated school room. We now share space with the dining room. It was way too small for our stuff, and it was impossible to keep clean. After getting really frustrated with the situation, I finally boxed up everything we aren't currently using, threw a bunch of stuff out, started another donation box, rearranged furniture, and reorganized. It took me over three hours, but it was worth it.


I posted photos on my blog of the finished room. It feels like, compared to some, that we are really practicing minimalist homeschooling.


This looks great. Very organized.


I am in a similar situation. We had a great school room with built in bookcase space on the wall for bulletin boards and pocket charts. Now we are renting and my school stuff is located in several rooms. I had to rethink everything. It is working now but it took some time to get the feel just right.

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Nice!!! We do the bulk of our school in our living/dining room...a very small space indeed. So small that I only have plastic bins for both younger girls, and a small plastic drawer on wheels hidden beside our dining hutch. Everything must be packed up when we finish. No more space to work with. We want to move so badly! :tongue_smilie:

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