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I'm working on taxes and...

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I did the federal a while ago, but I still need to do local and two states. Really silly, because though DH works in one state, and we live in another, the states reciprocate, so we don't owe in the one where he works, just have to file there, AND our state has a flat rate tax, which has already been taken out, so it's all just paperwork, no money coming or going.

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I'm not happy :( !!! I've got to do Federal and 2 states. Anyone else sharing in this lovely task this weekend? Misery loves company :tongue_smilie:. This is so not fun...


Just needed to say it once and now I'm back to work.


Can I ask what program you are using? We have to do 2 states this year too, since my dh retired from active duty, and we are a bit intimidated. We have been procrastinating and reallllllly need to get started on this, LOL.

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Can I ask what program you are using? We have to do 2 states this year too, since my dh retired from active duty, and we are a bit intimidated. We have been procrastinating and reallllllly need to get started on this, LOL.


I've used Turbo Tax Deluxe for about 6 years. All the info I input into Federal goes straight into the state download (usually free for the first state) and I just need to add a few things (some tax exempt stuff) and it's done. Last year we needed to start filing for another state and, while I could download a second state at a cost, I chose to do the form freehand. It took a bit to figure out, but I wrote down notes as I went so hopefully this year won't be so bad.


What's nice about Turbo tax is a lot of the info I put in last year gets imported into the current year and I just have to input new numbers (unless I know something major changed).

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It is only April 2. What is wrong with you???? ;)



Daughter of a Tax Accountant

(family appointments began on April 15 at 5 p.m. with the ritual signing of the extension forms!) :tongue_smilie:




P.S. Since my Dad is now deceased, I have more options, but the only reason I may finish my taxes by April 15 is so that I don't have that monkey on my back while I run the Boston Marathon.

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I'm not happy :( !!! I've got to do Federal and 2 states. Anyone else sharing in this lovely task this weekend? Misery loves company :tongue_smilie:. This is so not fun...


Just needed to say it once and now I'm back to work.


Yes! I've been in the trenches since breakfast and my brain is now mush.:drool5: I am going to re-boot tomorrow. I have 2 states as well... Every year I tell myself I'll get it done in January. Yeah, right! As soon as I get this done, I'll start telling myself the same lies.:tongue_smilie:

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It is only April 2. What is wrong with you???? ;)



Daughter of a Tax Accountant

(family appointments began on April 15 at 5 p.m. with the ritual signing of the extension forms!) :tongue_smilie:




:lol::lol::lol: I don't know :D! Actually, we are in the process of moving (so much to do and everything is a mess) and I would have loved to have them done sooner, but DH didn't get his K-1 until last week.


Federal is done. Now to start on one of the state returns. I've been up since 3:30 am thinking about it so I might as well start working on it.

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