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Teachers Bistro 3-31-2011

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GOOD-BYE, MARCH! *sniff*


Does March really have to GO?? If it leaves, that's just one more month closer to broiling hot temps here in the desert.


What's for lunch today? Me: turkey, baby spinach, and honey dijon mustard on wheat, accompanied by golden delicious apple slices and bean & rice tortilla chips. Kids: same kind of sandwich, only with added cheese, with a side of tortilla chips and grapes.


What has a bee in your bonnet today? Me: making sure my 12yo Aspie daughter knows how to write well enough by the time she's in college! :001_huh:


Who's still interested in that Continuing Education Teachers' Cruise to the Caribbean? ;)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch today was on the run and Sonic was the closest drive-thru.


The bee in my bonnet today is my kitty decided that my fabric stash was a perfect place to frolic and pretty much pulled everything out and left it. :001_huh: Not sure if this is his idea of telling me to get back to work but my sewing room is a mess.


Sorry no cruise for me I have an unhealthy fear of the water--saw Jaws at a young age. :001_smile:

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Lunch today is peanut butter and apples in the garden watching the sprinklers. Trying to get the grass ready to run an aerator over it in a week or two. My apple trees are starting to put out flower buds. Spring is coming - now if I could only get some green to replace all the brown.


I don't think I have any bees in my bonnet today, but the day is young. It is warm and sunny, and I got to enjoy some of it. The older dd is in her enrichment school today, so watching flowers bud and catching ants gets to count as kindergarten.


I really want to go to the Caribbean. I think it's time to get everyone's passport renewed. I really didn't need a new ac unit this year, right? Caribbean would be a much better use of my tax refund.

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Well, we don't have high temps to look forward to, but we do have a possible move coming up and I could cry when I think about packing up my house. We are seriously thinking of storing our stuff upstairs and just renting out the ground floor.


Lunch - hm. We had brunch at 9:30 (biscuits, eggs, bacon, pears). It was my effort to put everyone in a good mood and fill my 3 year old's belly so he would not beg for food for a couple of hours.


My 3 y/o has been on my nerves all morning with the shouting, the interrupting, the climbing in the fridge, the peeing his pants ... ahh. It's not enough that he dumps his toys all over the living room floor, he has to get into my stuff as well.


I should start "shopping" at Fred Meyer so I can put Noel in the play area for an hour while Corbin and I do schoolwork amidst the lawn furniture.

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What's for lunch today? Me: apple and peanut butter


What has a bee in your bonnet today? Me: making ds actually stop what he is doing and look at me when we are conversing. Otherwise he apparently doesn't process a word I say. :glare:


Who's still interested in that Continuing Education Teachers' Cruise to the Caribbean? ;) Sounds good to me! Hey, maybe it can be a part of Homeschool Festivus!

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Lunch - cheese ravioli, salad, raspberries and yogurt.


My bee is trying to teach the three boys or neanderthal stooges, what it means to actually clean a room before they go to college and completely trash a dorm beyond recognition.


The Caribbean sounds nice, but I'm leaning towards a little European travel and a trip to Uganda to do volunteer work in a couple of orphanages.



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Jean with-the-salad-with-protein, where are you?:toetap05:



I'm here - barely. I've got a virus. It barely touched my children. It has sandbagged me but good. As I keep telling my very worried children, I'll live.


Lunch - about 1 c. of chicken noodle soup. I couldn't finish it.


This bee is curled up in my armchair with two fleece blankets, a heavy fleece sweater and heavy socks. I'm still shivering. My sister called to say "Hi". She thought I was my husband.


Right now an infirmary sounds better than a cruise. Thinking of the sea is making me queasy.

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What's for lunch today?Me: Wendy's fish sandwich. Kids: dd leftovers in her backpack for therapy and ds, I don't know. He went off with my parents.


What has a bee in your bonnet today? My mother who admittedly doesn't want a relationship with my dd but feels the need to do research and tell me how to correct all her issues. She kept asking me why dd was in therapy. Since she has no business knowing, I just gave the generalized 'low tone'. Mom thinks that is not being able to walk and is made because I told her not to correct any stuttering. Makes me just want to beat her head a few times. DD stutters constantly around my mom, and no one else really, and I think is because she is 1-around her rarely, and 2-my mom makes her nervous.


Who's still interested in that Continuing Education Teachers' Cruise to the Caribbean? ;) Do you really need an answer to that after reading the above?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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What's for lunch today?

Me: a hardboiled egg followed by two pieces of caramel Ghirardelli that I found hidden in the snack corner. Nom.


DS: Leftover beef stew and half a dozen deviled eggs.


What has a bee in your bonnet today? Me: making sure my 12yo Aspie daughter knows how to write well enough by the time she's in college! <--- change that to 8-year-old Aspie son and you've just about got it. OK, seriously, he's driving me crazy. His focus is... GONE. Gah.


Who's still interested in that Continuing Education Teachers' Cruise to the Caribbean? Me! I just need to get a passport... devil's in the details

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We ate out for lunch. I had a fajita veggie burrito at Chipotle *delish* and a margarita. My kids ate rice and beans w/the fajita veggies, chips w/salsa, and drank water. I don't normally drink during school hours, but their dad was in town (and buying) (and driving) so at his insistence, I indulged. Who am I to say no to our school principal? :D


Bee in my bonnet today was trying to squeeze everything in today that we didn't do yesterday. We took the kids to Legoland yesterday, so today I made them double up on schoolwork ... plus we had to run Dad's local errands, take my car in, find then return our library books since they're due yesterday (!), and drop him off at the airport in time to miss traffic heading out to a soccer game.


I used to live in Miami, and got my fill of trips to the Caribbean - y'all can send me a postcard, have fun! Call me when the Alaska Cruise comes up LOL.

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