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Acid reflux -what works for you? I am miserable at least

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twice a day and it wakes me up at night. I am so irritated with my doc as he was not concerned about it. I've gained 13 lbs in three months and am bloated like I'm nine months preggo! I'm scheduling an appt.with a gastro doc in the morning. What's wrong with doctors today?!!?!? Sorry to vent, but I feel bad.

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For both me and my dh, Zantac gives us the fastest relief for an acute attack. The doctor recommended a course of another OTC antacid for my dh, but I can't remember the name of it.


Shame on your doctor for not acting on this problem!

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My doc had me take Prilosec OTC for 6 weeks straight. The label says to only use it for 2 weeks. It took about 2 weeks to start feeling better on a daily basis, 4 weeks to feel better most of the time and by 5-6 weeks I had to incidences. I've had to do this about twice a year. Zantac never helped at all. I was so dissapointed because it's way cheaper than Prilosec!

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I'm on Nexium. Sometimes when I need fast relief and have missed a pill or two, I mix a spoonful of baking soda (NOT BAKING POWDER) in a bit of water and drink it. Instant relief, but I don't know if it's good for you or not. The kids love it when I do this, makes me belch like Ree.

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Baking soda is my first line of defense, and that's what I usually use. Once in awhile, though, my system seems to not want to settle down and keeps generating acid even after the baking soda. When that happens, Zantac seems to calm everything down pretty quickly.

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My dh has this problem, too. I know you are miserable.


His doc. has had him on many meds., but the only one that really made a difference is Protonix.


The dr. also said that beside the meds, the most helpful thing is not eating several hours before bed. Avoiding chocolate, coffee, tea, soda pop, alcohol, etc. is also supposed to help. Eating small meals is also recommended. My dh has a habit of woofing large amounts of food and he's trying to change that.


If your dr. isn't listening, seek another opinion.


Hope you get relief soon.

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I forgot to tell you about a trick one of my docs told me.


First thing in the am, after you pee, drink a full glass of water. Hold your arms out to each side parallel with the floor and bounce (with your feet still on the ground) gently a few times.


I know, it sounds ridiculous! Apparently there's a valve that gets stuck and this helps jar it back into place.

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I have a hyatal hernia (I think I spelled that right) and acid reflux. One thing that helped me alot (besides an acid reducer at bedtime) was elevating the head of our bed a few inches. I think that made the biggest difference for me. My husband just built the bedslats up one at a time starting at the foot, then the last slat at the head being the tallest. That gives our bed more of a gentle slope upwards (I hope this makes sense).

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I forgot to tell you about a trick one of my docs told me.


First thing in the am, after you pee, drink a full glass of water. Hold your arms out to each side parallel with the floor and bounce (with your feet still on the ground) gently a few times.


I know, it sounds ridiculous! Apparently there's a valve that gets stuck and this helps jar it back into place.



I think you need to demonstrate this in a video and put in on youtube for all of us. You can skip the peeing part, but drink the water and bounce up and down.

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Not eating too close to bedtime helps the most.


I avoid caffeine and soda. It isn't pretty or fun, but I feel a lot of relief!


A natural health fella also told me that some acid reflux is your body trying to grab more acid to work with. A spoonful of lemon juice in a small glass of water helps.


My son insists that most acid reflux is too much acid and a small glass of milk balances the system.


All of the above have worked for me at different times. Good luck!

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I have a hiatial (sp?) hernia and acid reflux too. Ignored it until it got so bad I was waking up every night thinking I was having a heart attack! The gastro put me on Aciphex for a year so I could heal all the damage done from the acid, but now it's just diet, clothing, and lifestyle changes.


Basically, he recommends: no tight clothing around your middle, nothing that will put pressure on your middle (sit ups, bear hugs, bending over instead of squatting), small meals (again, don't over fill and cause pressure), avoiding carbonated beverages and limiting coffee. Also elevating the head of the bed a couple of inches. Try to keep some food in your stomach - food will absorb the acid, so it can't reflux. When I ignore this advice (I do like my coffee:D) I usually have problems, but most of the time some pepcid takes care of it.


It's good to get it checked out - what was your doc thinking ?!

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Fortunately my doc sent me to a Gastro guy and after doing an endocscopy he prescribed these for me. They've done wonders. I still have to be careful with what I eat but I can eat most things once again.

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Of course speak with a doctor to rule out serious problems, but I really found that for me...I had to just change my diet. Things that were very acidic or harsh on my stomach I limited or completely quit eating. I tried so many of the meds...but didn't really feel like they helped me...try to identify which foods effect you the worst and get rid of them...this probably means not eating some foods you love, but it beats being on medication or feeling bad.:)

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