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I planted 59 sweet potato plants today!!

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We live in Charlotte, NC and we're in that planting zone. 10 days ago we planted tomatoes: beefsteak (THE BEST), roma, grape, and staright necked yellow squash, peppers: red, orange, yellow, purple and chocolate when it's available, as well as cantaloupe, cucumber and will plant in the next couple of weeks beans. I think there's more, but it's late and bedtime.......lol




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I planted a Mint/Tea bed today with

German Chamomile

Orange Mint



Pineapple Mint


Vanilla Grass (

Apple Mint

Chocolate Mint

Roman Chamomile

These are all in containers and then buried as most of them are aggressive.


I hope to put in the tomatoes this week.

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we have just finished planting our winter garden. the garden is full of brassica seedlings,' cabbage , broccoli, cauliflower. lettuce, radish, garlic, peas,the green house has potatoes, sweet potato, tomato, capsicum, and cauliflower in it. the only thing left to plant is the onion seeds, but I can't plant them until June, they get planted on the shortest day of the year.


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Our garden is starting to die off :( The heat is too much. We still have some tomato plants that are producing, and the pepper plants are doing ok but not getting much bigger.. oh, and I did notice our first eggplant bloom, but I'm not sure if they'll make it with the heat.. I think I waited too long to set out stuff in the garden. I started from seed in December, but maybe I should move it up to October next year.


Otherwise our date palm has dates growing on it, probably won't be ready until the end of summer...



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Now I need a root cellar! :tongue_smilie:


Tomorrow I hope to plant 20 pounds of regular potatoes before the rain.


What are y'all planting this week?


Oooooh, I've been on a sweet potato kick lately. I serve them a couple of times per week.


We're a little behind in our planting and don't yet have anything in the ground. We've got to get busy!!

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That is a lot of sweet potatoes! Is this all for your family?


We've planted carrots, peas, zucchini and lettuce. My strawberries are starting to get ready to bloom! Today I was clearing blackberry vines so that I can plant some more veggies.



Yes, they are all for my family. We love sweet potatoes :)


Strawberries and blackberries!! I would love to have those growing here. We have just not ever gotten around to it.

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Yum! I love sweet potatoes!! I usually pop them in the microwave and then put on a small tad of butter, a little maple syrup, and a sprinkle of brown sugar. Delicious!


I've only planted two tomato bushes (in containers) and chocolate mint that my mom rooted for me, and I've started some parsley from seed (no idea how that will do). That's it for me this year, but I did check out a gardening book this week from my library so we will be ready for a big garden next year!

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Tracy, I'm envious. I'd love to grow sweet potatoes but I think our season is too short. When will you be able to harvest yours?




I really can't remember when we've harvested them before; I think we are supposed to wait until the greens die back. But if you planted some, maybe you could dig up baby sweet potatoes if your season is too short?

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