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One car is in the shop, the other totaled....

What would you do for transportation in our situation?  

  1. 1. What would you do for transportation in our situation?

    • Buy two not-so-nice cars, but plan to change them for a better car after the family car is repaired.
    • Buy one decent car and one junker, and plan to get rid of the junker when the family car comes home.
    • Buy one nice car and make do on that until the family car is repaired--even if it takes a while.

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What would you do? The car under repairs is expected to be there for a while. Here are the options:

1) Buy 2 not-so-nice cars for the time being, until we get the other car back, then sell them and buy a nicer one,

2) Buy one as-nice-as-possible car and one junker, and get rid of the junker when we get the other car back,

3) Make do on one new (used) car, as we had been doing before the second car was totaled (this is workable, but a pain-in-the-neck!).


Confounding factors include the fact that we live about 20 to 25 minutes from dh's work, and on 2 days a week, I have to take him to work and pick him up so I can have the car (and squeeze all the errands into those already-busy days.


Let's see if the poll posts.


Thanks for your answers!


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It's not my favorite option, but I'd go with getting one decent car that will last and just sucking it up and driving dh to work. That and rearranging your schedule as much as possible so you don't have to drive on the two days in question.


I'm sorry you're in this position. We went years with just one car. It's not un-doable, but it IS stressful and simply frustrating sometimes.


Let us know what you opt to do.

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We're a one-car family so I can understand the "pain-in-the-neck" aspect. "I" would do #3, because we can't afford registering, gassing, maintaining, and insuring two cars. But you really want to know what "you" should do!


Hmmm. It sounds like you really want to do #1 or #2. Have you done the math on all the costs of having three cars (with 2 being not-so-nice) vs. (1 being nice and 1 being a junker?) Are you comfortable enough if the junker breaks down (either on your dh's commute) or (on your errand days with the kids in tow)? I guess if I think about it I'd be more comfortable with #1, as long as "not-so-nice" still means reliable.

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Ugh! My mouse clicked the wrong circle.:eek:

I was going to vote for you to stay with the one car. We are a one car family and I'm a Earth loving mom so I don't want it any other way, other than really wanting a hybird.:)

Do you have access to buses and bikes? That always helps us.

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