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Tell me this is just a phase and how to cope- I'm nearing the end of my rope

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My almost-5-year-old is driving me absolutely insane. :glare: This one has always been my most difficult child but now I'm teetering near the edge and I need y'all to pull me back. :tongue_smilie:


For about 6 weeks now, said child has turned into the biggest cry-baby. Now, I know I shouldn't be calling him names (I don't call him this to his face) but I don't know how else to describe it at the moment. Yes, I am exasperated.


Kiddo cries at the drop of a hat about every. single. thing. He was running around on my bed yesterday (something that all the kids know is not permitted). I said in a stern but not yelling voice, "___ stop running on my bed. You know you're not allowed to do that." and immediately the bottom lip dropped out, the big inhale began and the loud "waaaahhh" wail commenced.:glare: If he hits his brother and I tell him no, it's the same thing- and the wailing- much like a 6 month old would do, begins. It's the same if his brother takes a toy from him or when dh told him it was bed time last night. :001_huh:


This child was not like this before about 6 weeks ago. Nothing traumatic happened 6 weeks ago and I'm guessing maybe this is developmental? Hoping maybe? Ugh. I can't take it!!!


Once it starts dh and I have to be very stern with him and tell him to stop the whining/crying. We're not yelling but definitely stern and must keep reminding him that big boys don't cry like that and there are better ways to deal with the situation. He does stop. He does have the ability to control it but it's appears he chooses to break out the waterworks every time instead. It's exasperating, let me tell you. I can't say a word of negative to this child without the full-on wail starting and if I can be honest here, the wailing like that grates on my nerves like nothing else. :tongue_smilie: It's just this pathetic cry and oh, the waterworks. :001_huh: It's a pain talking him out of a full-blown crying fit and frankly, this mama is tired and I don't know if I'm handling this properly.


Why is this happening all of a sudden and what can I do about it? :confused: I'm trying to be the best mama I can for this child. He's a sensitive little guy and not rough and tumble like my other son, but he's never been like this. HELP me before I lose what is left of my sanity. :tongue_smilie:

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He's going through an emotional growth spurt.


I don't tell mine that big kids don't cry, but I do tell them that if they're going to cry then they need to go cry on their bed until they can get themselves under control, and then we'll talk about the "problem" in a calm and rational manner. If they don't immediately either stop crying or leave for their bed, I count to 3. Usually they comply by #2. I get to #3, I carry them to their bed, place them (gently), and leave them there.

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He's going through an emotional growth spurt.


I don't tell mine that big kids don't cry, but I do tell them that if they're going to cry then they need to go cry on their bed until they can get themselves under control, and then we'll talk about the "problem" in a calm and rational manner. If they don't immediately either stop crying or leave for their bed, I count to 3. Usually they comply by #2. I get to #3, I carry them to their bed, place them (gently), and leave them there.


I don't so much tell him that big kids don't cry but that they don't cry like *that*. We do talk about how it's okay to cry- (BTW, I don't say this part to him)- but he's not just crying, he's ... crying and whining like a baby. :tongue_smilie: It's one of those instant cries- like how little newborns pout out their bottom lip and let'er rip with a full out wail when they're separated for a moment from their milk source. It's cute in a newborn- not so much in a 5 year old, or at least this 5 year old. :tongue_smilie:


We do make him go to his room too. It sometimes works. Other times the crying just increases and spirals out of control. It also doesn't help much when we're not home. If we let him go too long with it, it goes on and on and on...

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If this is dramatically different from his normal behavior, I might want to tae a quick trip to the ped to rule out strep or an ear infection. For one of my kids, behavior was the *only* clue.


Yup, checked this out two weeks ago. Thank you for the suggestion. :)

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He needs time alone with you. One-on-one is the only cure for this that I have found. My now six year old was like this all year last year, and every time it came back up again, it was time for Reading-on-the-Bed-with-Mommy. Just her and me. ;) Lots of kisses and hugs and "you are so special to me" and "I am so glad you are in my life." That was the cure that worked here. HTH.

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Maybe try telling him what you WANT him to do instead of telling him what he is doing wrong? And saying 'yes' as much as possible instead of 'no'.


Some examples that worked for my son at that age--


Instead of "Stop yelling." try "Please talk in a quieter voice."

Instead of "Don't sit on the kitchen table" try "Please sit on the kitchen chair."

Instead of "No,you can't have a cookie for breakfast" try "Yes! You can have a cookie after lunch."


And that's all I really said (calmly)...no endless debating and arguing or giving in to crying. Crying is fine at our house, I think the other posters gave some good suggestions about that.

Good luck! I have a sensitive guy too.

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