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Those who went gluten free to help with joint pain...

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A friend of mine did it; she was tested for celiac and it came back negative. She cut out gluten anyway and her neuropathy disappeared over the course of a few weeks. She did a challenge test and she was shocked at the amount of pain she was in afterwards. It has been totally worth it for her and her daughter. She was seeing doctors because they thought she might have lupus, MS, epilepsy, and other scary things - especially scary for a mama to 5 young kids. I wish you the best!

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The joint pain part pulled me in. I thought I would offer another possibility. I didn't go gluten free; I went artificial sweetener free. My hands were to the point that I could barely hold anything without dropping it. I couldn't open jars. I thought I was starting to suffer from my mother's arthritis a bit too young. It took 2-3 weeks of no artificial sweeteners, but the pain left. I did notice an improvement after a week. It has been a few years now. If I have a diet anything, the pain will start to return.

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I am doing this right now. I have been gluten free for only about a week, but I have been lo-carb for quite a while. I am dealing with auto-immune disease issues which have gone completely out of control...so this is just one more trial to see if it helps.


Anyway, I think it is helping....how's that for definitive. :D


I am also on Cymbalta and concurrently dosing down....the amount I was on was just too darn much, and I wasn't getting pain relief, which is why I was taking it....just totally loopy and sick.


I stepped down the same day I went gluten free, so maybe the combo is helping....


Or maybe the fact that I finally admitted I feel like crud and am allowing myself to rest.


The only benefit I did find is I lost a nice 5 lbs right off the bat.



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My husband has been GF for 3 weeks to help him cope with some digestive issues (he's gluten sensitive, not celiac). He says he sees a definite improvement in his condition and he's hopeful it will get even better. We're talking about a man who has a major sweet tooth and is addicted to baked goods. You know it's working if he's talking about giving those things up permanently.

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My dd is celiac and I've switched to gf for ease of meal preparation. I just noticed the last couple of weeks that I'm walking up/down stairs normally instead of a step at a time. I've had a great deal of hip/knee pain that has been getting continually worse the last couple of years. I can only attribute it to the gf diet. I highly recommend Gluten-Free Baking Classics by Annalise Roberts-the brownies are the best I've ever had:drool5::drool5::drool5:

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I have only been completely gluten free for a week- no joint pain in that week though. Except the day I drank coffee. Wow, I get immediate feedback now from one cup of coffee- instant aching joints.

I would expect it would take a month or more though for the body to clear out the toxins built up by years of eating gluten if one has developed antibodies to it.

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