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Who wants to come to my pity party?

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Dd15 was sick on the couch all weekend so I took her to the dr yesterday thinking she had the flu, but no, it's mono. :ack2: This alone wouldn't be the end of the world, but on Sunday we are supposed to be going on a cruise including lots of physical activities. Dr says she can go, but will undoubtedly be resting most of the time. Now we will have to split up, with dh or I hanging back with dd while the other one does excursions/activities with ds. The most disappointing thing is that we were supposed to go on our first scuba dive in the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean - we all got certified last fall just so we could all do this together on the cruise and now she won't be able to. She feels like she has ruined the cruise for the rest of us even though I keep telling her that I'm perfectly fine lounging around the pool or on the beach with a cold drink in hand and a good book by my side - as long as I don't have to cook or clean, I'm happy. She really wants to be doing all of the activities though. I'm so glad we got a balcony cabin so we can always just hang out there and order everything they have from room service. I just hope her throat feels better so she can at least enjoy eating it all. :drool5:

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It won't work out the way you planned but being sick in the sun is a nice thing! Maybe it will seem possible to leave her for short periods of time once you see how things are organized. I'm sorry! No chance of rescheduling a few weeks?

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I'm so sorry. I can relate, in a small way. When we went on vacation in Mexico, it was <ahem> that time of the month. I couldn't swim in that gorgeous, warm, clear water all week. After several days I was in tears.


Last year, ds broke his foot just a few weeks before we were due to go to family camp. He was heartbroken. He did get to participate in things to a certain extent, but there were many, many things that he could NOT do, or do only partially. It was hard on us all.


On the other hand, both Mexico and family camp were truly really, really wonderful times for us. In spite of the difficulties, we did a lot of fun things, and relaxed, and enjoyed. So I offer both my heartfelt sympathy, but also hope that with some creativity you can all have a lovely time, even with illness as an issue.

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I had mono when I was at university. It actually lasted only about 3 weeks really for me and within 7 days I was able to go out and do things. One thing to watch is that she can't get hit in the abdomen area or her spleen could rupture. Even if she doesn't feel up to it lounging in the sun is good.

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I don't suppose you bought the travel insurance?

It may cover that - and you could reschedule.....

Otherwise, there are many cool things on a cruise that would be fine for her to do. Poor kid!


As I was reading your post, this is what I was thinking too. If you can't change the dates, I'm just sure the warmth and the sun will energize her. Maybe not enough to do all that you had planned. But, I bet you'll have a great time anyway.


BTW - I'M TOTALLY jealous!!!! Our cruise isn't until September. With yet another winter storm warning on for tonight, I'm ready to start packing for it NOW!!!!

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Thanks for all the sympathy, somehow it helps some. And no, we didn't buy the travel insurance, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let us change the date. My bff and her son are flying down from PA to join us on it and it's for my ds's 13 birthday, so we are just going to go and make the best of it. I'm thinking of making appts for us to get a mani/pedi at the spa one day while the rest of them are doing an excursion to help ease the suffering of not being able to do everything.

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