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Homeschooling for dummies... anybody read it?

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Actually, an acquaintance of mine wrote the book. Lots of good advice but, if you've been hs for awhile, I'd say check it out at the library.


Aside-She and her dh ran a really neat game store when they were here in the Indy market called LinguaPlay-I think they put it online when they moved out of the area. Anyway, I spent a lot of time talking to them about hs whenever I was in the store. Lots of good, solid advice. We ran into them again at a friend's graduation party last spring and it was neat to see our dds together and remember them playing games in the store years ago. I've been thinking about her lately since I've applied for a position with the publisher who's just down the street from us.

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My in-laws mailed me this book when they heard we were considering homeschooling. They love all the "Dummy" books.


I read it, and found it helpful - as a brand new homeschooler. I used some of their recommendations to get started on K, and it was her chapter on classical homeschooling that led me to SWB's book and this forum.


They have a lot of game recommendations in the book, too - and now I know why!


If you've been homeschooling for any length of time, this is more of a library book than one you need to buy, but it could be fun to read just for kicks and fresh ideas.

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I read it, and couldn't stand it. If you haven't read anything on homeschooling before, then it could be helpful. But I couldn't stand the humor. It was like, "Since you're a dummy (why else would you be reading this book), here's some lame humor for you. You wouldn't get humor that's not cheesy anyway." <--that's what it was like. Talking down to the reader.

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I saw it tonight at B&N. It looked.... interesting. I am happy with the things I learned in the WTM, so I am not sure if I want to read another "how to" book. But I thought I'd ask for opinions on it :)


:D This is the book that convinced me that homeschooling was for us. I had read an article in some parenting magazine, then found this book just a few days later. It definitely felt like fate at the time.


Answering before reading the other posts...


I read it, and couldn't stand it. If you haven't read anything on homeschooling before, then it could be helpful. But I couldn't stand the humor. It was like, "Since you're a dummy (why else would you be reading this book), here's some lame humor for you. You wouldn't get humor that's not cheesy anyway." <--that's what it was like. Talking down to the reader.


Granted it's been years since I read it, but I don't remember feeling like it was talking down to me. I was mostly interested in the information, though, and probably didn't pay much attention to anything else.


FYI, I learned about classical education and the WTM through HfD. I'm very grateful to it for that info.

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