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Please join me in breathing.

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After an evening in which:

1. my son hadn't done his chore so needn't to get out of bed to do it.

2. our new dog pooped, then peed, on my sons' carpet

3. "auntie" came to visit



.....I so need this. Thank you. :)

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Guest Momlovesbooks

Me too!


I rushed around getting everyone in the car for baseball and the car is dead. Hubby won't be home until tomorrow. We all went back inside I looked for 15 minutes for the coach's number. Got on the computer to check for coach's number on email and found an email from the coach saying practice is cancelled! Why don't they call!

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After an evening in which:

1. my son hadn't done his chore so needn't to get out of bed to do it.

2. our new dog pooped, then peed, on my sons' carpet

3. "auntie" came to visit



.....I so need this. Thank you. :)

Oh girlfriend. I'm so sorry, but breathing cannot help you. The only thing that can contains the magical essence of the cocoa bean. :grouphug:

Me too!


I rushed around getting everyone in the car for baseball and the car is dead. Hubby won't be home until tomorrow. We all went back inside I looked for 15 minutes for the coach's number. Got on the computer to check for coach's number on email and found an email from the coach saying practice is cancelled! Why don't they call!

Okay, breathing could help this situation! I'm glad the car died while you were at home, instead of at an empty field. :grouphug:


A good reminder. Thank you.

You are most welcome. I aim to please.


LOL You're the best Karyn! :) Now everyone join me for some butt crunches!! :hurray: ....... NOT!

:lol: oh girlie! If only butt crunches reduced stress. We'd all be homeschoolin' hotties wearing short shorts and bouncing quarters off each other's butts! YEEHAH!


Ahhh, thank you! Now I have no desire whatsoever to run to the store for iodide pills.

That's right. They wouldn't do any good anyway. We're all gonna die. Might as well breathe deeply, eh? :tongue_smilie::lol:

(okay, maybe you are serious... if so, please stop breathing immediately!) But I don't really mean it like that... oh never mind! I pray you have good air to breathe!

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:lol: oh girlie! If only butt crunches reduced stress. We'd all be homeschoolin' hotties wearing short shorts and bouncing quarters off each other's butts! YEEHAH!

Ay, what an image! :lol::lol::lol:



That's right. They wouldn't do any good anyway. We're all gonna die. Might as well breathe deeply, eh? :tongue_smilie::lol:


Yep, that's what I say. ;)

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Oh my goodness...

BREATH WOMAN!!!!! (saying to myself :001_smile:)


Someday I'm going to learn how to stop caring... and then I'll be FFRREEEE!! Free from guilt, insanity, and nosiness. Then I can just breath normal. :D



Is it a full moon? :auto:

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So, if I breathe this way... will I get a good night's sleep? Please??




(cue lullaby music)


5month granddaughter, who is a charmer, is home with mommy

3 yr old grandson is also home with mommy

my daughter has groceries

my newborn grandson is a chubbo


(switch music to something like Jaws)

my college dd has hard classes and a new job with lots of hours and freaked out, but I have helped her move forward, nonetheless...


3 high schoolers live with their father, so, I should automatically get more sleep and breathe easier...


One soon to be 14 yob with significant adhd argued constantly and tripped 3 yo grandson onto the tile today... and took a lukewarm shower tonight... (wink, wink)

One 13 yob is starry eyed at the thought of living with high school siblings (do I have the plague here, or what??)

One soon to be 12 yob has over the top adhd and started meds and has been the MODEL pre-teen, if you ever did see one...

One 11 yob has aspergers and his brother said that he cried himself to sleep recently, saying that no one understands him... (Time for Temple Grandin!!!)


DH is out of town... hope he arrives home tonight...


BUT... I am blessed... and breathing...


I have learned that life constantly changes... constantly... I am trying to be okay with that...

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