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S/O of Harry Potter Question: How many had children that did not want to read #7?

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My kids were Harry Potter fanatics. They loved Harry Potter. We stood in line at midnight to get books and watch movies andyet when it came to the final book, only one of my children could read it herself. The rest asked me to read it and just tell them what happened. So they are going in to the final movies without really knowing how it all ended. I guess that is adding a bit to the movies but I was really surprised by this turn of events. My children are not easily scared and could give no logical reason why they read 6 books and then didn't want to read the conclusion. I have seen a couple of other parents mention this and I am just wondering if anyone knows why.

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It is very hard to let go of characters you've grown and loved, for their story to be over. If someone tells you how it ended, but you never read it for yourself, then it doesn't really count.


FWIW, I started reading HP when they were first published in the states. I was in elementary school at the time, and the same age as the characters in book one. I, in many ways, quite literally grew up with them. It was very exciting to get the last book and at the same time it was very, very hard to me. I don't cry easy and I cried, several times, while reading book 7. In a way, it was not only the ending of a much-loved series, but the closing of a certain chapter of my life.

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When one of my sons was racing through the series for the first time he screeched to a dead halt 3/4 of the way through book 6. I think there is some heavy emotional content there relate to the parents' deaths, and who Voldemort really is and also some romance. A year later he picked up book 6 and started again.

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My younger ds didn't want to read it aloud with me. I think it was a combination of the fact that he was only 5.5 and that it was really dark. After Hedwig died he just didn't want to listen anymore. He did love the first installment of the movie though and is very excited to see the second in July.

He would probably love to read it aloud now though. He has enjoyed all of our more serious reads in the last few years.

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My 7.5 year old had read all the previous books to himself and then started book 7. Hedwig's death coupled with Fred (George?)'s injury and the worry over Hagrid made him put it down. He said there was too much death and sadness right at the beginning and he didn't want to read it. He said he'd try again when he was older.


He has listened to all 7 (along with my 10.5 year old), but it was background noise while they were playing with Lego or other things, so I think he didn't pay attention as much. My older son did.

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