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Should I sell my TOG?

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My dd will be returning to school in September. She is ready and my health issues need more attention right now. So here's the thing. I love TOG. It was my plan to hs her thoughout highschool, but I'm okay with afterschooling. I love TOG's philosophy thread. That is not too intense, so we should be fine doing that, logic and math after school. But really? Isn't there something out there as fun as TOG's philosophy thread all by it's lonesome? I have the Redesigned print copies of Y1, Y2 & Y3. They take up a lot of room.

What would you do?

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Real life experience??


In January 2010 I went back to work. I hadn't worked since before kids. But we needed money and I had myself fooled I would actually bring some home after daycare expenses!


Long story short I had a friend talk me into selling 3 of my Sonlight cores.


Fast forward to this year? I only worked 6 months before realizing working wasn't bringing home any money! So I started homeschooling again. And now this year when I went to put in my order I was sooo upset! I had to rebuy a core that I would have already had for my next daughter in line if I hadn't sold it!!


Conclusion?? Don't sell what you think you might use in the future. You already made the investment. And when the time comes and you are ready to use it again the funds may not be there to invest in it again.


But that's just my really long two cents!

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Since you already own it and you didn't state in your OP that you could really use the money from selling it, I'd hold on to it for a while and see how school goes for your dd. As a PP said, you're not going to lose any value by holding it on to it for a big longer.


I don't know how TOG policies work but my only hesitation would be that Y1 is undergoing a complete revamping and will be out with a whole new year plan for the 2011/2012 school year. I'm not sure if someone buys your Y1 printed if they can still trade in their Loom CD for the DE upgrade for $35 or not but this could potentially affect your resale of Y1 as I hear they're going to be making significant changes.


Is there anybody you know who is wanting to buy TOG who would be willing to sell it back to you? I've done this with stuff in the past- purchased from a friend with the caveat that if she needed it back, I'd sell it back to her. It has worked out nicely for me in the past and will give you a bit of peace of mind that you won't have to pay full price for an entire year of TOG.


Meanwhile, I'd scour the Logic Stage sub-forum and the high school board for philosophy resources that you may like because everything stated above, if your dd does stay in school and all you want from TOG is the philosophy portions, it's a pretty expensive philosophy course. :lol: Also, as she nears high school her work load is going to be such that it may end up being much harder than you thought to after school anyways.


:grouphug: It's not an easy decision. I just purchased TOG new and there's no way I'm parting with it after how much I spent.

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I['ll be the voice of desent. You want to give them to me. :)


No... don't give them to her... give them to me! :boxing_smiley:


I have plenty of space to "store" them for you.




If space is the issue, decant from binders and store in a box under the bed. Hello - five feet of shelf space!


Good idea! Thank you!

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No way, give them to me!!! I think Princess and Tazzie would love it...now that I've *finally* gotten over my idiocy of last year.


It wasn't TOG Diva didn't like. It was my approach to it that needed to changed. Figured that our recently.

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