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Book a Week in 2011 - Week Eleven

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I just finished The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet. It did have a couple of interesting curves but was not as good as I was hoping. There were a few wonderfully constructed sentences, but far more that were comfortably commonplace. It was pretty fluffy. I'm not sure what I'll read next. I need to choose something& head off to bed.

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After finishing A Breath of Snow and Ashes last week, I took it easy this week. I read Catherine Called Birdy. I found it surprisingly fun and lighthearted.


1: Graceling

2: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

3. A Single Shard

4: The Fiery Cross

5: A Season of Gifts

6: Otto of the Silver Hand

7: A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver

8: Harry Potter

9: Watership Down

10: Master Cornhill

11. A Breath of Snow and Ashes

12. Catherine Called Birdy

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I finished The Abyssinian, another recommendation from here. I'm glad I read it despite disagreeing with some of his conclusions. Interesting and well written book.


My 2011 Reviews:


1. Her Daughter's Dream - Francine Rivers

2. Island of the World - Michael O'Brien (AMAZING!)

3. Mennonite in a Little Black Dress - Rhoda Janzen

4. Cinderella Ate My Daughter - Peggy Orenstein

5. Devil's Cub - Georgette Heyer

6. Keeping a Nature Journal - Clare Walker Leslie and Charles E Roth.

7. Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization (Audio Book)- Anthony Esolen

8. Excellent Women - Barbara Pym

9. The Abyssinian - Jean-Christophe Rufin

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I finished The Abyssinian, another recommendation from here. I'm glad I read it despite disagreeing with some of his conclusions. Interesting and well written book.


I enjoyed reading your review! Overall, I agreed more w/ the author's conclusions than not. I agree that the book is interesting & well-written. There is a sequel (The Siege of Isfahan) that I have, but I haven't read it yet. Do you think you'll plan to read that one too?

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I enjoyed reading your review! Overall, I agreed more w/ the author's conclusions than not. I agree that the book is interesting & well-written. There is a sequel (The Siege of Isfahan) that I have, but I haven't read it yet. Do you think you'll plan to read that one too?


Maybe. The library doesn't have it, and I could do ILL maybe. I try to save ILL for things I really really want. I didn't know there was a sequel. I've got a stack of books to read, but I'll keep it in mind. I'll watch for your review, too ...


It looks like the library does have another of his books, Brazil Red. Have you read it? I liked his style, even though I thought the middle sort of sagged.

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Looking forward to reading your blog post about your experiment!






I also finished Meeting Faith: The Forest Journals of a Black Buddhist Nun.


I'm currently reading 2 books:




Ok, so The Guinea Pig Diaries has already had me laughing out loud more than once. Jacobs is a funny writer & puts himself into ridiculously comic situations. I thoroughly enjoyed his book The Year of Living Biblically & expect this book to be the same -- a fun & funny, fast read.




I posted all about my reading deprived week. Link in my siggi. It was quite interesting and I find myself now not in any rush to read Fiction. Non fiction on the other hand, which I don't usually read much of, has been drawing my attention. Since I've given myself permission to underline things and have half a dozen notebooks for making notes as I read, I enjoying learning and reading about all kinds of interesting things. Unearthed a few non fiction books I had bought and forgotten and starting to read them.


"Meeting Faith" actually sounds quite interesting. Added it to my wishlist. I loved Jacob's "Year of Living Biblically." Have been meaning to check out "Guinea Pig Diaries." Thanks for the reminder.

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You all impress me.

I want to jump in but can't commit to catching up!

I wish I had started on the first of Jan.

Maybe I can find some short books to get some under my belt. I don't think I've read any "whole" adult books YET this year !!!!!

Any recommendations?



Jump in, the water's fine. Read what you want and enjoy. See how far you get.

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Maybe. The library doesn't have it, and I could do ILL maybe. I try to save ILL for things I really really want. I didn't know there was a sequel. I've got a stack of books to read, but I'll keep it in mind. I'll watch for your review, too ...


It looks like the library does have another of his books, Brazil Red. Have you read it? I liked his style, even though I thought the middle sort of sagged.


I will get around to reading the sequel, but I'm not sure how soon that will be. I have so many other books to read these days, lol.


The funny thing is that I used to have "Brazil Red". It seemed interesting & a book I would like. I bought it off the sale shelves at B&N years ago. Yet, it sat on my shelves & I never got around to reading it. I ended up donating it w/out reading it, figuring I could find a copy in the future if I decided I did want to read it. Now that I've read "The Abyssinian", I wish I had kept "Brazil Red" because I enjoyed his writing style. Oh well.


I posted all about my reading deprived week. Link in my siggi.


"Meeting Faith" actually sounds quite interesting. Added it to my wishlist. I loved Jacob's "Year of Living Biblically." Have been meaning to check out "Guinea Pig Diaries." Thanks for the reminder.


I enjoyed reading about your reading-deprived week. I end up doing that sometimes, but usually not on purpose (rather, just because life gets too busy).


Hop on over to 52 books blog and vote on which cover you like the best and want me to read. Please!


Hey, Robin, you linked your other blog (not the 52 books blog).


After checking the covers, I vote for "The Pint Man". I like the simplicity of the cover & the duality of the picture (a pint of beer or 2 people facing each other?). It reminds me of a Dali painting since he often used dual images like that. Hmmmm. As far as what it's about.... I have no idea, but I figure it will be funny, a bit surprising, and will have something to do w/ beer, a pub, &/or a brewery.


Out of your choices, I definitely would *not* vote for "By Nightfall" (even though the cover art is appealing enough) because I'm not a fan of Michael Cunningham.


Be sure to let us know how "The Rose Labyrinth" is -- it looks intriguing. Are the pages loose in it/tucked into a folder??? It's hard to tell from the photos, but it sure looks neat.

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Hey gang,


Hop on over to 52 books blog and vote on which cover you like the best and want me to read. Please!


Well, none of those covers really appeal to me for some reason (could be that I'm just cantankerous today, though) and I almost never pick a book only by its cover. I don't have java going right now, so I'll vote here. Since none of the covers grab me, I'll vote for the title that intrigues me, Comedy in a Minor Key.

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Last night, I finished The Transformation of Bartholomew Fortuno. It was an ok book, interesting enough for me to continue reading it all the way through, but not one of my favorite books overall. I did like the historical details (set in P.T. Barnum's Museum right after the assassination of Lincoln) throughout the book.


Not sure what I'll start reading next. I looked on my library's website & requested the ones they did have of my 'picking a book by its cover' selections (but I don't have those books in hand yet).


Books read in 2011:

The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag

People Die

Three Ways to Capsize a Boat

The Perfect Man

Food Rules

Empress Orchid

Sister Pelagia and the Red Cockerel

A Voyage Long and Strange

All the Names

When We Were Orphans

Her Fearful Symmetry

Meeting Faith: The Forest Journals of a Black Buddhist Nun

The Guinea Pig Diaries

13, rue Thérèse

The Transformation of Bartholomew Fortuno

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Since I haven't been to the book store or library this week, I'm looking at the Book Cover Archive website so I can join Robin's challenge of picking a book by its cover.


Here are the ones I'm considering. Anyone want to vote on which one I should pick? (Sorry, I don't have a blog, so if you want to comment, please post here in this thread.) Otherwise, I'll choose one to read soon. :001_smile:




Twelve Fingers or Resistance look interesting.

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