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I feel so ashamed.

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That there are such horrific events going on in the world every minute, and I complain about what, in the scheme of things, is really unworthy of complaint.


A couple lost SEVEN children at ONCE; a horror in which I cannot imagine. Japan is DEVASTATED. People here are suffering with cancer and losses daily.


It just makes problems I've had seem so trivial. It makes me feel bad for ever thinking my life is hard.

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I know. My baby girl threw up 4 times this morning. I felt bad for her and bad for me. I called Mom and said the baby is sick. She told me to get down on my knees and thank God I was holding her in my arms. In my defense, I hadn't heard the news. I can't imagine what some people are going through this morning.

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God CONSTANTLY reminds me of how good I have it and to be thankful for every single thing. There is nothing wrong with being upset and venting over what seems like trivial things, but I think the lesson is to get it out...and then thank God for the good things. Dont let the little things take you over. I am so guilty of that sometimes.


I think that is what happens when we truly put others ahead of ourselves, we are constantly seeing the pain and then we are more thankful for what we have. At least, thats what I learn from it all :)

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There is nothing wrong with venting - as long as we all keep perspective.

It is the people who complain and have absolutely zero perspective that drive me nuts....



:iagree:Exactly. After my brother lost his 15 year old daughter to leukemia (that came on suddenly, it was 30 days from diagnosis to death) my neighbor approached me and start b!tchin' about my cat messing up her flower beds.


I did this. :glare:


And said, in a rather snarky tone, ''Well, my brother is trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces after BURYING HIS CHILD EARLIER TODAY, so I'll have to get back with ya' on the flower bed issue". :001_huh:


When I told a friend about it I assumed that she woud back me up, but she said gently, "What your family is going through IS horrible, but.....if you compare everything in life to a dead child then NOTHING sounds important-paying bills, buying and preparing food, etc." Which is true.


Neighbor had aright to be upset about her flower beds and when I was more civil I approached her and said,"if you don't have video surveillence or other proof, I refuse to punish my cat". :tongue_smilie: I DEMAND A DNA TEST!

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I understand what you mean, and I think the trials that others go through are powerful reminders. The reminders of death are a healthy balance to our lives. They make me pray more and 'react' less. They help give me patience and perspective. And then one day our own death or our own trial will have an impact on someone else.

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We all have challenges. Its ok to be scared, frustrated, etc.


There's always someone dealing with something more, but it doesn't negate how you feel.


Yes, its a powerful thing to feel so blessed. I know that I'm constantly reminding myself to look to my blessings rather than my challenges. But I'm human, and sometimes the challenges seem insurmountable.


But the challenges have built my faith so much. It doesn't mean I don't come close to the edge sometimes, begging for help, guidance, strength.



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I'm at a different place than you. Right now I am annoyed that some people wouldn't let me say anything about anything other then "I'm so Thankful!". No matter how bad you have it someone else has it worse. That doesn't mean that you have it good, and have no right to complain.


Sure I wouldn't complain about my breast cysts to someone who is currently talking to me about a more serious problem. I wouldn't call up a friend of mine in Japan (Assuming I had one) and complain about the icky weather here. But I am not going to start saying "I'm so Thankful" to everyone all the time, and start ignoring my problems because someone has it worse.




Yes there are other people who have it worse, and other people who have it better. But the reality is what you are feeling in you.


I am feeling very sad about what is happening in Japan, the family in PA who lost 7 children, the tour bus in NYC that several people died...


I feel depressed, probably because I know there is nothing I can do about these disasters. And that just makes me feel worse on top of what I deal with in my life.

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