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Teachers Bistro 3-8-2011

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The Bistro is open early today because I might not remember to open it later!


Are you eating breakfast, a snack, or lunch right now? Me: I had a 1/2 muffin and 1/2 cup of coffee for breakfast. Getting ready to take a shower and have some more coffee. Lunch will probably be chicken tenders and apple slices. I'm all about the easy-to-make lunches during the school week.


What don't you want to do today? Me: school! It may be a day of educational videos and audio lessons. (Gotta love Homeschool Radio Shows and Living Books for the Ears!)



Anything weighing on your mind lately that you really just want to figure out?

Me: I've had the desire for a long time to work in the law enforcement industry in some capacity. I do have a degree in Criminal Justice but I'm not getting anywhere. :confused: Doing some research, soul searching, and lots of praying, it seems God is taking me a different route. I'm beginning to have an inkling of what that is but nothing is crystal clear just yet! So, I'm waiting on Him. :lurk5::D


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I had soup from Wawa and a large coke from Wendy's. I was just at the doctor because I've been sick for over a week; sinus infection and swollen glands.


The kids are playing with lego's. Great teacher that I am. ;)


On My mind lately: I've been thinking and thinking about having a thriving lapbooking business and opening a gluten free bakery/coffee house.

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Good afternoon!


We are having a light schooling day because tomorrow is our science co-op so I'll have kids over for that, we have a cat at the vet and everyone got up early because we car share with DH, and my parents are coming tomorrow. So I'm spending the day airing the house out and preparing for house guests.


I haven't thought about lunch yet... I had a handful of raw peanuts. :D


On my mind: I have 3 raised cedar bed kits coming this week and I ordered our first apple trees. I'm wondering how many raised beds I'll need/want for our little farm!!

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Eating chicken and rice casserole leftover from dinner; thinking about brewing a small pot of coffee or tea. I eat early, before the children because I'm one of those who just can't do a big breakfast. Need to get a shower during their lunch break


Boy currently doing independent work; math and spelling.


What's been on my mind lately; my need to draw closer to Christ, and His promise to draw nearer to me.

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I'm having coffee for lunch, as usual. :glare:


My kids are F L Y I N G through their schoolwork (maybe I need to beef it up again). My son's writing is just awesome - all of a sudden.


I slept horrible last night and I'm really sleepy. Anyone else?


Isn't V on tonight? :hurray:

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Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs with broccoli (it's better than it sounds), 1 slice of cantaloupe. I'm having weird candida rashes and probably shouldn't have had the cantaloupe but no one else is eating it and I'd rather scratch than throw out food.


Don't want to do? - Not any one thing. I have tons of stuff to do and I think I'd like to just plug away so that I can cross things off of that list!


To figure out - Science for dd for the rest of this year. What to do with dd next year as we have a developmental catch up year with her (she started first grade early and just is not going to be ready for 5th grade next year). What to do for ds as he heads into high school territory next year.:svengo:

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Just finished lunch of leftover black beans, brown rice, spicy pork, pineapple.


I don't want to figure out what we're eating for dinner tonight...


On my mind: LOTS! Why am I still not feeling right, why is dd11's reflux breaking through two different meds, should she see a gastro or an allergist first, when are the remaining 4 colleges/universities going to notify ds about admission and aid, where to dig an asparagus bed this spring...

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I had a BLT and a cup of rice pudding for lunch. DD7 had mac and cheese and dd9 had elbow macaroni cooked in tomato juice, her favorite.


I don't want to do anything that involves getting off the couch today. My nasty week of cramps is setting in so I will be pretty useless for the next week or so. The kids have done school lite and now we are watching last week's American Idol episodes. DD9 is sick so laying around is all either of us have the energy for.


Weighing on my mind lately? My house is currently in such a messy state and it is driving me crazy. I have got to declutter and get a handle on all of it. Today however will not be the day.

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The Bistro is open early today because I might not remember to open it later!


Are you eating breakfast, a snack, or lunch right now?

I'm getting ready to eat lunch . . . left overs from last night: minestrone, oatmeal bread, cheese, fruit.


What don't you want to do today?

I don't want to can the beans I have soaking. I have them soaking and they have been all night so I really have to do it. really. I just don't feel like it.


Anything weighing on your mind lately that you really just want to figure out?

Well, there are a couple of things, private really, that I've been really thinking over lately. The ones I could mention, though, are garden-related. I want to plant as many fruit trees as we can. Pears grow well here but no one in my family likes them, peaches grow well and we just planted two. My daughter and I LOVE pomegranates but they are not known to grow really well here. Apples are okay. We're also going to plant blueberries. The idea of pinching off all the fruit the first year and most of the fruit the second year just hurts my feelings, though.

I'd just love to make this an urban farm and I'm really trying to figure out how.



Talk to me! :bigear:



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