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S/O Narnia-in which order do you like to read the series and why?


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I never realized until the previous thread that there might be a different order that is better to read them than they way they are typically ordered in the series when you buy them.


We're about to start our first time through-what order do you like to read them?

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I know there's been previous threads about this--you might want to search.


I like the published order, the one that starts with LLW, because it's much more fun for me to discover the Magician's Nephew later. I like entering Narnia thru the Wardrobe, as others have said. I like starting with Mystery and moving to Understanding.

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I just started reading them with my 5 year old and we read The Magician's Nephew first and now are reading The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. I think that reading them in order will make so much more sense to her. She connected right away that the witch from The Magician's Nephew was the same witch in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, even though it wasn't specifically spelled out and even with the period of time being different. I'm guessing that other people read them in the order Lewis wrote them?

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I read them first waaaay back when the published order (starting with LWW) was the way they were numbered (newer editions tend to be numbered chronologically). I read them all that way and loved them, but then I got annoyed that they were "out of order" and I re-ordered them myself chronologically and re-read them that way. :tongue_smilie: I appear to be very linear...

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I grew up with a film version of LLW, never having read any of the other books, so, I am very familiar with that story. I'm reading through them right now, though, and started with The Magician's Nephew, then The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and now I am reading The Horse and His Boy. I think I will read them to my kids that way, as well.

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I know there's been previous threads about this--you might want to search.


I like the published order, the one that starts with LLW, because it's much more fun for me to discover the Magician's Nephew later. I like entering Narnia thru the Wardrobe, as others have said. I like starting with Mystery and moving to Understanding.



When I first read them, I had a boxed set and LWW was first. The Magician's Nephew was last. I was very surprised they flipped them around later. I'm not nearly as big a fan of the Magician's Nephew as I am the LWW, so I don't think I would choose it to introduce the series. In fact, I know I wouldn't. My kids read LWW first. One has read 4 books, the other read the whole series finishing with MN.

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The one as originally published.


Like the others, I think you should enter Narnia for the first time through the Wardrobe. :)


:iagree:Reading The Magician's Nephew first is like snooping in your parent's closet right before Christmas. :001_smile:

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I like reading them the way they were published in the US- LWW first, saving some of the "aha!" for the last books. Lewis himself preferred them chronologically, however.


Actually, if I remember correctly, a child wrote Lewis after he had read them all already, and said wouldn't it be better to read them chronologically and Lewis said that is a great idea kind of thing. He didn't actually recommend that.


I think reading them chronologically after you've read them all is fun, but for the first time, I would stick with the original published order. The characters and situations are developed better that way. The first few books published had many of the same characters, so I think it is more interesting to find out what happens to them. They were almost chronological to begin with anyway. But if you really want to read them chronologically, you'd have to stop during LWW and read HHB then go back and finish LWW!


Not that it matters a whole lot, as long as you read them!:001_smile:

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