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Anyone love Saxon 3 but then hated Saxon 5/4?


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We are just about to complete Saxon 3. After much deliberation, we have decided to continue with Saxon 5/4 (I was toying with the idea of switching to Horizons). Saxon 3 has worked very well for us. The lessons were easy yet just challenging enogh to keep my dc interested. Retention has been fabulous. It has been a very smooth ride so far. I am concerned about 5/4 though, because the format changes so greatly. I was wondering if anyone was dissapointed with 5/4?

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We did not like Saxon 54 at all after completing Saxon 3. We much prefer Christian Light Math. It is somewhat similar to Saxon, but kids write in workbooks that are very pleasing to the eye: uncluttered, crisp pages with just the right amount of practice and daily review. The lessons are also taught much more effectively (imho) and retention is great. It is a great relief for a young child not to have to copy all those problems.

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It is a great relief for a young child not to have to copy all those problems.


I have not done Saxon 3, so I can't compare. But we are doing Saxon 5/4 and dd is going to be 10. I guess I feel it's good to have them get used to copying math problems, they copy other copywork, I don't see that big of a difference. Higher level math requires them to work out the problems, so I feel it's a start going into that. JMO.


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So glad you asked this question. We've been using Saxon a year ahead, and dd7 will finish with Saxon 3 this year.

I've been a little worried about going into Saxon 5/4 also, and actually thought of doing Horizons, like you! lol

I may not be homeschooling next year, so the math question will be settled for me, but thanks for pursuing the question. I'm going to check into Christian Light, just in case public school either doesn't happen, or doesn't work out. Hate to leave Saxon, but it's worth checking.

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using a workbook format last year. It wasn't the difficulty (he was acing tests) but rather the number of problems and how long it took him to finish his work. We tried doing evens/odds but I worried he's miss something since Saxon has so many different problems in each lesson (it's not just all one topic). He's FINALLY getting into a groove and completing a lesson in about an hour. He doesn't dread math anymore (doesn't love it either!). I also heard from some Saxon vets on this board that 5/4 is a transitional year of sorts (lots of tougher topics to master) and it takes some time to move through it. If you like Saxon...stick with it and it will probably be okay. If you don't really like Saxon to begin with then this would be a good time to switch, IMHO (inexperienced opinion as well!). We're going to stick w/ it. I have heard a bunch of good things about Christian Light.

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I think a number of kids who are younger find the writing stressful:( Other than the new format I think it is a pretty easy transition if the child is ready. If writing is an issue there are ways to accommodate the student.


Personally, I like the format better after Saxon 3. jm2c

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We made the transition last year and have been very pleased. I don't think it's a lot to ask a fourth grader to write out problems. I agree with Sue G in PA however that there are a lot of problems. So you may find it helpful to have your child just do evens or odds. These combined with the daily math drills should be enough.

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