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Any reason I shouldn't take 11 yo dd to see Joyce Meyer?

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I haven't listened to Joyce for a long time, so I can't remember if there would be anything in there that is over dd's head or whatever-too much geared toward more mature women so that it wouldn't interest her, etc. Or is it too long or anything else? We would go to a Fri morn 10 a.m. so it wouldn't be too late at night.


She is a pretty mature 11yo (but just turned 11), loves the Lord, and has never been to anything like this so I was thinking it might be a fun mom/daughter date but when I went years ago I don't think I remember many young people there so I'm wondering if I'm overlooking something. Thanks!

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Nah, I won't let my kids be exposed to Word of Faith preachers. Sorry. There are plenty of other events and teachers that would teach and be encouraging in a biblical way for young girls. (And their parents, for that matter.)




She can be funny but then I'd spend the rest of the day explaining to my child why we don't agree with 90% of what she said and that would be just exhausting.

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I agree with what the other have said, plus, she seems to have a lot to say about spiritual warfare and I imagine that any extended or descriptive discussion on that topic could be pretty scary to an 11yo.


Also, I didn't catch your religious persuasion, but a friend of mine went to one about 7 years ago and was startled when J.M. introduced and led a prayer session in tongues. That might work for you, but for many it would be uncomfortable.

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I was dragged to several of these types of things as a pre-teen/young teen and honestly, it DID scare me. It was during that whole "Thief in the Night" series movies and there was a lot of talk of demons and warfare and Satan trying to "get us."


Scaring kids into heaven doesn't work for me.




I agree with what the other have said, plus, she seems to have a lot to say about spiritual warfare and I imagine that any extended or descriptive discussion on that topic could be pretty scary to an 11yo.


Also, I didn't catch your religious persuasion, but a friend of mine went to one about 7 years ago and was startled when J.M. introduced and led a prayer session in tongues. That might work for you, but for many it would be uncomfortable.

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Oh, dear, I didn't realize. I will have to google Word of Faith. I went to see her a long time ago when I was a new Christian so I didn't know much. Actually, I still don't know much about doctrinal stuff like this-all I know is that we are General Conference Baptist (which is more like a non-denominational but more conservative), I am Reformed, and basically other than that I just read my Bible and participate with love at church and do the best I can with the Holy Spirit's help to let Christ live through me.


We will stay away from this. I'm so glad I asked!!!!! Thank you!


ETA: Googled WOF-definitely not for us. THANK YOU!

Edited by HappyGrace
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