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Favorite Lewis and Clark ideas- please post

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We got to travel part of their route during the bicentenial!

Probably the best individual site we saw was the BLM or Forest Service visitor center at Great Falls, MT. My second favorite was the winter camp re-creation in Oregon. There's also a small Louis & Clark museum at the St Louis Arch, but the great thing there (besides the Arch) is the IMAX film Louis & Clark.


For home, I highly recommend getting the National Geographic (the IMAX film) on Louis & Clark.

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We looked at maps and documents on these websites:


From the National Archives:



From National Geographic:



This link includes timelines, maps and journal entries:



If you have time for a read-aloud book we enjoyed "The Lewis and Clark Expedition" by Neuberger (Sonlight Core 3).

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Right now we are studying Lewis and Clark- have any great ideas or links that you just love??


Oh! I have a few... but to bad you are doing it now... I reserved a traveling trunk and had it delivered when I needed it. It was $35.00 and we got to keep it for 3 weeks! Im not sure, but you could always look into it and have it as a end of your study time..... it was more than worth the $$ it also included shipping back and forth.... they actaully have many other trunks to choose form too....


Traveling Trunks


Lewis and Clark Then and Now I hope it works... its a little video from Fort Clatsop.


Our Lewis and Clark Road trip!


Free Lewis and Clark Lap Book I bought one at the begining of the year from Live and Learn Press, but this one is very well done... and free!




The Lewis & Clark Expedition: Join the Corps of Discovery to Explore Uncharted Territory This one is great for crafts.... RyLee used it she is 11.


Lewis and Clark for Kids:


Going Along with Lewis and Clark


How We Crossed The West: The Adventures Of Lewis And Clark


Seaman's Journal: On the Trail With Lewis and Clark


These are just a few tings.... but they were enjoyable.... Have fun... we enjoyed the study this year.... the road trip was the best part!


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We have Lewis & Clark: Discoveries on the Trail Activity Book for Young Explorers. It's a spiral bound book that comes with a little activity pack containing a compass, ruler, pen, and pencil. Inside are mapping activities and tons of other fun activities. I picked mine up in Montana, but I bet Amazon carries it.

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We loved "The Captain's Dog" by Roland Smith. It's a portrayal of their cross country journey through the eyes of a dog who accompanied them. I think Trail Guide to US Geography uses this book for a literature based geography study. We loved the book.

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actually sat for and LOVED the Ken Burns Lewis and Clark. I would watch the end ahead of time. Lewis (was it Lewis or Clark?) killed himself, so it's really sad/mature theme at the end. We skipped that with dc.


It was wonderful!! The way Ken Burns handled it was absolutely fantastic - actually ANY Ken Burns is fantastic. We love Ken burns documentaries and plan on making lots more use of them, including seeing this one again.


If you don't already, I highly recommend the 4.95 per month netflix account. T here is TONS of educational stuff available there, and even Christian content, and you also get 5 hours per month of free downloaded movies in addition to your mailed DVD's. The free downloads have included such treasures as Dangerous Journey, Martin Luther, Tyndale, and many other Christian biographies....

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Guest Lil' TX Schoolhouse

we recently studied L & C. We read aloud the book The Captain's Dog.

My kids LOVED it. It is written from Seaman's perspective (Captain Clarke's dog). we read the book and talked about how it related to the nonfiction books we were reading. It has excerpts from the real journals the captains wrote.



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We got to travel part of their route during the bicentenial!

Probably the best individual site we saw was the BLM or Forest Service visitor center at Great Falls, MT.


Hey I'd like to travel to Great Falls. Are the Falls still there? I know that things can change with dams being built....

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We got to travel part of their route during the bicentenial!

Probably the best individual site we saw was the BLM or Forest Service visitor center at Great Falls, MT.


Hey I'd like to travel to Great Falls. Are the Falls still there? I know that things can change with dams being built....


The falls are pretty anemic now. The dam is up stream of the falls and you can still see the terraces that the falls once stumbled over. I wouldn't go there just to see the falls, but the visitor center is within walking distance and THAT is worth seeing. There's also a Charles Russel (?) art museum in Great Falls that's worth seeing if you're there.

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