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Prayers needed tomorrow morning

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My niece in law 28 yo is having open heart surgery at Houston Pediatric Heart Hospital to repair an ASD and a very large VSD. It's the more rare type. She was born with these defects but they went undetected until several months ago. She is looking forward to being "fixed" and having energy. She doesn't remember a day when she didn't need to take a nap. She's the momma of an 18 month old boy.


I'm playing surrogate momma this week to the 18 month old and can understand why she is hoping for more energy :D It's been a long time since I've had a toddler boy around. It's good, but there isn't a lot of school getting done.


So, if you will, please pray for the surgeons and for Josh (nephew) and Sarah (niece-in-law).

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UPDATE: Thank you all for praying. Sarah came through the surgery well. The holes and valve were repaired. The surgeon says she should see a 30% improvement in her heart function. She just came off the vent and is in the ICU. She is slightly anemic but they are waiting for a bit to give her a transfusion hoping that it improves just a bit. Apparently they discovered other abnormalities in her heart but feel that since it is pumping effectively they will just leave it alone.


Thank you all again. This is such a special place - I appreciate all of you.

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