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Joint pain & gluten free diet

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If you have joint pain have you tried going gluten free? Did it help?


I have had some pain in my right shoulder, elbow, and arm for a few weeks now. I do need to be adjusted so I think the shoulder pain will be helped by that. However, my elbow and forearm muscles bother me. Sometimes it hurts more than others.


I was doing some reading on arthritis and joint pain and found that gluten can sometimes be the cause. Which is interesting because yesterday I made coffeecake for breakfast (and didn't have just one piece..lol) and my arm is VERY sore today.

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If you have joint pain have you tried going gluten free? Did it help?


I have had some pain in my right shoulder, elbow, and arm for a few weeks now. I do need to be adjusted so I think the shoulder pain will be helped by that. However, my elbow and forearm muscles bother me. Sometimes it hurts more than others.


I was doing some reading on arthritis and joint pain and found that gluten can sometimes be the cause. Which is interesting because yesterday I made coffeecake for breakfast (and didn't have just one piece..lol) and my arm is VERY sore today.


It can't hurt to try. I went gluten free and my hip pain has decreased but not disappeared. My main symptoms were gastrointestinal and a vitamin B12 deficiency. Both of those have disappeared.

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Going gluten free did not help my joint pain so after a month or two I went back to eating gluten. In my case, vitamin D did help the joint pain. So it depends on what is causing the joint pain.


Same here. I notice zero difference with gluten / not gluten, but I had a pretty radical improvement with *serious* vitamin D supplementation. (Simple bloodwork showed I was severely deficient, which is why I started supplementing in the first place.)

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I have had ankle pain since I was 7. Then late 20's- 30's, somewhere in there it went from ankle, to ankle and knee. More recently it is graduated up, now it is ankle, knee and hip. I asked my Dr, but he kind of blew me off which pissed me off. I have been dealing with it all my life, and I am getting pretty tired of it. I wonder if I should try a diet change??

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I tried majorly upping my vitamin D (naturally through large doses of fermented cod liver oil). Unfortunately, my hair started falling out. I don't know if that is related, but I read in some cases too much vitamin A causes these sorts of problems. So just to be sure I stopped the cod liver oil. I haven't noticed any return in joint pain.


Regarding the hair loss, I have also lost a lot of weight, so that could be a culprit too. I'm just trying to be proactive though!


Just like Abbeyej, I didn't supplement with high doses of vitamin D until I had a bloodtest that showed a serious deficiency.

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Going gluten free did not help my joint pain so after a month or two I went back to eating gluten. In my case, vitamin D did help the joint pain. So it depends on what is causing the joint pain.


I take Vitamin D3 for joint pain (Sarcoidosis). I also take Celadrin capsules and MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane). I definitely feel it if I stop taking any of these.

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...(naturally through large doses of fermented cod liver oil). ...I read in some cases too much vitamin A causes these sorts of problems. So just to be sure I stopped the cod liver oil. ...

Regarding the hair loss, I have also lost a lot of weight, so that could be a culprit too. ...


I'd certainly be tempted to attribute this to the high vitamin A -- I've read of various adverse effects of too much A from cod liver oil -- or the weight loss rather than the vitamin D. While I wouldn't encourage truly massive doses of D without a doctor's supervision, there's no evidence that it's toxic even at very high dosage.


BTW, I take 1,000iu of vitamin D per 25lbs of body weight. So a 100lb adult would take 4,000iu per day, a 150lb adult 6,000iu... My doctor's office has started giving 50,000iu 1x/week for severely deficient patients (of whom I'm no longer one, lol)...

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I have been doin GF, along with sugar free, dairy free...etc for a few months now. I do have way less joint pain when i stick to the diet.

However, I do believe sugar is more of a trigger for me than Gluten.

I am Vit D deficient and have been taking D3 for almost 2 years now and that does not seem to be a contributing factor to my joint pain, as it is better at times and then other times, not so much. This really cold weather seems to be a trigger too.

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You'll also want to look at the link between the nightshade family and a tendency to have inflammation.


These would be potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers.


Potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, tamarios, pepinos, pimentos, paprika, cayenne, and Tabasco sauce are classified as nightshade foods.


ITA with this poster. My naturopath has me off of gluten, dairy, sugar, and nightshade veggies among other things. For my joint pain I'm off nightshade veggies. The other things are for other symptoms. She never mentioned anything other than going off of nightshade veggies for my pain, though. Just an fyi. :)

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