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so between singapore standard/US edition. what did u choice and why??


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I use standard edition with my boy ( his is on 4b/5a for fraction.. for some reason , he is very good with fraction,. bragging :D) I have both 4 a/d std and us edition and found them actually quite different. I found standard has a lot more content but not sure if i will agree with the sequence. so which one did u pick and why??

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I started with the US edition when I switched my DD to SM at 3A (previously she used Right Start). I chose it because it is less expensive and all the HIG's are available. I also prefer the visually "cleaner" look of the US Ed.


However, I decided to switch to the Stds. Edition for 4A because the SE HIG is so much better. I just hope that the 5B, 6A, and 6B SE HIG's will be published before we need them. Right now my DD is on chapter 4 of 4A.

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When we began homeschooling three years ago, we used the US Edition of SM. I just never saw any compelling reason to change to the SE so we are still using it. I am resistant to change.:001_smile:


This is me as well. Standards came out when my kids were going into (or already in) 5a/b - I only had one more year to get through, seemed silly to switch. For my younger, I already have all the texts and they're nice and familiar, so we've just stuck with it.


If I were beginning now for the first time, I might choose Standards.

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We went from the US edition to the Standards edition when my son was going into 3A. We switched for several reasons. The most superficial reason is that my son likes color in the textbook and the Standards edition has that for all of the books. I also liked the more systematic review and that the books covered a more typical US scope and sequence than the US edition books.


ETA: Also the HIG is better for the Standards edition.

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I like that the Standards edition includes prealgebra concepts. Negative numbers are introduced in 4A (very briefly... but they're there!). More statistics in Standards (some data analysis, probability).


Some information on differences here.


One quote: "Most of the content is the same as in the US edition and thus the third edition of Primary Mathematics, and some content was added in from the second edition of Primary Mathematics. In fact, it is probably in places a bit more challenging than the US edition because of the addition of material from the second edition of Primary Mathematics."


I like the additional review in the Standards books too.

We used US for 1st grade and have used Standards since.

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Standards Edition, with the Intensive Practice (IP) books from the US Edition series, and the "old" Challenging Word Problems" (CWPs).


I like more content and more review, the SE is actually less expensive per page (although slightly more expensive per book), the HIGs are supposed to be better.



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