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Taking college classes while homeschooling your kids

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Is anyone here taking college classes (or any self-enrichment class) while they are homeschooling? How do you go through with your daily routines and meet your deadlines while keeping yourself sane? I am currently taking 2 reading intensive online classes (I didn't know what I getting myself into during enrollment) for my Bachelors and I homeschool a 10th grader, kindergartener, and preschooler. It's only been 2 weeks into the semester and I'm already swamped with homework. I can't drop the class because I would have to pay it back so I have to do it. At the same time, I don't want my kids to suffer because I'm doing something for myself. I'm just venting here so if anyone is going to tell me that I got myself into it, I already know that (thanks to my DH). :)

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I am a bit more than 1/2 way through my masters in Ancient and Classical History.

I would love to tell you it isn't affecting my son's school - but it is. Especially with DH deployed. The only really bad time is when papers are do and I've been procrastinating.

It really depends on the classes and the degree. Start light and see how it goes :)

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I am a bit more than 1/2 way through my masters in Ancient and Classical History.

I would love to tell you it isn't affecting my son's school - but it is. Especially with DH deployed. The only really bad time is when papers are do and I've been procrastinating.

It really depends on the classes and the degree. Start light and see how it goes :)


I recently received my Associates in Nursing and now I am working on my Bachelors. This year, DH was able to get a break on deployments but he decided to take college classes as well. I really should stop procrastinating but honestly, it's not like I'm sitting on my butt eating bon-bons and watching Jerry Springer (I don't think we have that on AFN anyway). There's laundry (which I swear has a life of its own), chores, and of course homeschool: checking homework, making schedules/lesson plans, discussion, etc.


I know it can be done and I'll do it. Like I said, I just needed to whine. :)

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It is really tough. When I have two-ten page papers to write in a week - the house is a mess, the laundry doesn't get done, and my son tends to not get a very good week of school.

There is only so much time in a day. I'm also organizing the teen group for our homeschooling group and am the Committee Chair for the Boy Scout Troop my kids are in. Yes - I'm nuts.

DH has no option of opting out of deploying. He's special forces and is gone 6 months a year every year, no matter what. I need abreak, though, I'm telling you! He's gone right now for another month, and this month I have 30 pages of writing to do. Ug.

It can be done, and it will be worth it, but it takes a lot of organizing and you really need to want it.

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Yes. I am taking classes online, through AMU, for a Bachelors Degree in Intelligence Studies with a Concentration in Asian Studies. I'm about 3/4 of the way done. Right now, my hardest class is a "Military Warfare from 1700 to the Present" class, it's kicking my BUTT!! It's not as hard as the last one, MW from Antiquity to 1700. THAT class was a BEAST!!


It's a LOT of work. I take 8 week classes, which have the SAME amount of work as a regular 16 week class, just in half the time.


However, I only have 1 child and he is only in 1st grade. So, his school work isn't suffering, but the house sure is, LOL! I have decided that SOMETHING has to change so we are going minimalist. I am getting rid of extra clothing, knick-knacks and anything else that makes more mess than it's worth. I'm also working on getting things more organized. We live in a townhouse with a VERY small yard, which helps, b/c the HOA cuts the grass, rakes the leaves, etc.


I just remind myself to do a little bit every day, I HATE missing just one day of homework b/c then it piles up and becomes stressful.


I also make DS pick up after himself! This is tough b/c he is only 6, but I make him do it b/c I just don't have time to deal with his mess. I have quit worrying about his room, I send him up there to clean it periodically... he either does it or he doesn't. If he doesn't, then his friends can't come in to play and he doesn't get ANY new toys or games.


So far so good. To be honest, the only reason I'm doing school is b/c I have to use up my GI Bill or forfeit a free education, plus, we make about $2000 a month (off the GI Bill) by doing College, so I have to if I want the money. I can't imagine paying to do this, LOL, so hats off to you! That takes a lot of motivation! Just realize that everything can't be perfect, so just try to do as much as you can, delegate as much as you can, and try not to stress out.... that's all I got :)

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Yes. I am taking classes online, through AMU, for a Bachelors Degree in Intelligence Studies with a Concentration in Asian Studies. I'm about 3/4 of the way done. Right now, my hardest class is a "Military Warfare from 1700 to the Present" class, it's kicking my BUTT!! It's not as hard as the last one, MW from Antiquity to 1700. THAT class was a BEAST!!


It's a LOT of work. I take 8 week classes, which have the SAME amount of work as a regular 16 week class, just in half the time.


However, I only have 1 child and he is only in 1st grade. So, his school work isn't suffering, but the house sure is, LOL! I have decided that SOMETHING has to change so we are going minimalist. I am getting rid of extra clothing, knick-knacks and anything else that makes more mess than it's worth. I'm also working on getting things more organized. We live in a townhouse with a VERY small yard, which helps, b/c the HOA cuts the grass, rakes the leaves, etc.


I just remind myself to do a little bit every day, I HATE missing just one day of homework b/c then it piles up and becomes stressful.


I also make DS pick up after himself! This is tough b/c he is only 6, but I make him do it b/c I just don't have time to deal with his mess. I have quit worrying about his room, I send him up there to clean it periodically... he either does it or he doesn't. If he doesn't, then his friends can't come in to play and he doesn't get ANY new toys or games.


So far so good. To be honest, the only reason I'm doing school is b/c I have to use up my GI Bill or forfeit a free education, plus, we make about $2000 a month (off the GI Bill) by doing College, so I have to if I want the money. I can't imagine paying to do this, LOL, so hats off to you! That takes a lot of motivation! Just realize that everything can't be perfect, so just try to do as much as you can, delegate as much as you can, and try not to stress out.... that's all I got :)


The GI bill and TA is a godsend.

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I am!

I'm taking three online classes through my college. I'm also homeschooling my three oldest - 12, 8, and 6 and I have a 3 yr old and 2 yr old underfoot too! arrggH!


I wait until the kids are in bed to do my school work. If there's a night where more then the usual amount of work is to be done, then I have Dh help me put the kids to bed so that I can get started on homework early. Otherwise, I spend about 3 hrs a night after the kids are in bed (so like from 8 or 9 to around 11 or midnight). Some nights when working on a big paper or project, I've been known to stay up into the AM's. uggh.


Thankfully though I'm a night person.

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I am! I began last sememster with 12 hours and quickly dropped one class. I made it through the semester, but truly felt that my kids education took a back seat to mine. I am only taking six hours this semester so this is much more durable. I am ashamed to admit that I have kind of learned how to play the game and still get the grade. I am going to college not only to earn a degree, but also to learn. Unfortunately there are only so many hours in a day so I do the best I can and learn what I can. One thing that helps me, which is probably contradictory to what others do, is to begin working on things the week that they are due. This keeps me from constantly trying to keep ahead and has helped me to relax about looming deadlines. Something else that I learned after spending so much time reading everything that was assigned is that it may not always be necessary to do so. For example, for U.S. History last semester, I read everything that was scheduled on top of papers, discussions, etc. I quit the scheduled reading. We were given a study guide so I spent my time researching these to get ready for exams. By my last exam, I had even given up on the study guide and just looked things up during the three hour time-frame set for the exam. For Psychology, we were given exams for which we could use our text-the index became my best friend and kept me from having to read and study. I learned some but not as much as I had hoped. I did learn a lot in Eng Comp because I had to actually do the work-although there was some readings I would skip. I guess it is just a matter of balancing the desire for true knowledge and getting the work done. At this point in my life, I just have too much on my plate to really immerse myself like I would like to do. I am just not willing to put in a whole lot during my kid's childhood, YKWIM? Having said that, I do want to work towards a degree. I still have awhile as my youngest is in 3rd grade, so I can take my time!! ;)

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I'm a full-time photography student, working on my bachelor's. I take what I can online, but between shooting time, lab times, and the kids? I've stopped doing ANYTHING else. I do most of my work while they're sleeping, which isn't going over well with DH. However, he's not willing to put in more at home so I can have time during the day... so I have to use the time I have.

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I am. I'll be heading out here in an hour for class. Last fall was my first time taking two classes while homeschooling a 13yo, 11yo and 6yo, plus working pt for dh, plus being on the board at our co-op. It's not easy and I do sometimes think I will go straight out of my mind, but personally, I'd rather have a full life than an empty one.


Most nights I try to do my homework right when I get home, or sometimes I would go to the library while dd13 was at volleyball next door to the library. Other times, I just couldn't start my homework until my 6yo was in bed. The thing that helped the most was using appliances to make most of my dinner while I was in class. I used a crockpot a lot last semester and I got a rotisserie for Christmas that I plan to use a lot, too. Cleaning suffered some, but the kids have chores, so it didn't get too crazy far behind.

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I have considered doing the same. I think that a schedule of some kind would probably help. The little ones are usually most attentive in the morning, so maybe after breakfast, do school with the Kindergartner and the pre-school kids - while your 10th grader works independently. When you finish with them - I'm assuming no more than 1.5 hours or so, then work a little with your 10th grader and get them set up for the rest of their school day. Then you can work on your class work - maybe working in the same room as the 10th grader so you're available if help is needed.


Make sure that the little ones have lots of activities to keep them involved in something which doesn't require too much from you. I would think that nighttime would probably give you the most alone time when you can read/study without distractions. I also think the start up of a class is usually the worst as you're doing something you haven't been doing. I hope it gets more manageable. :grouphug:

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I'm working on my doctorate in nursing. I'm also adding a new NP speciality. I feel like my son is being raised by wolves right now. My DH jokes that it is digital wolves since he is on the computer all the time. I'm so busy and I can't cut down or that will just drag this out and I want it to be done before he hits high school. I try to do 2 math lesson 3 x a week, grammar worksheet everyday, reading, and he is on his own with world history and science right now. He enjoys both so I know science and history are getting down almost every day. I spend between 4-8 hours a day on school work. This is how it has to be right now. You are so not alone!

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Is anyone here taking college classes (or any self-enrichment class) while they are homeschooling? How do you go through with your daily routines and meet your deadlines while keeping yourself sane? I am currently taking 2 reading intensive online classes (I didn't know what I getting myself into during enrollment) for my Bachelors and I homeschool a 10th grader, kindergartener, and preschooler. It's only been 2 weeks into the semester and I'm already swamped with homework. I can't drop the class because I would have to pay it back so I have to do it. At the same time, I don't want my kids to suffer because I'm doing something for myself. I'm just venting here so if anyone is going to tell me that I got myself into it, I already know that (thanks to my DH). :)


Totally not in your position, but it would seem to me that the 10th grader probably does most of his work independently and that very little time is needed for kindergarten and preschool. Id there a way that you can work out a daily schedule of some kind for yourself that accounts for study time, planning time, teaching time and just put the household stuff in whenever? And maybe try for a bit lighter of a load over the next few semesters as the kindergartener will need more schooltime.:001_smile:

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I'm in school full-time. Most of the time I get the kids' work finished so I can have uninterrupted time for my own studies. Sometimes, we're doing work together at the table. My DH is completely supportive so he's there to help in any way he can. I don't know how I would do this if it weren't for his support. Support is key!


I do big cleaning on weekends, such as bathrooms and kitchen. We do at least one load of laundry a day so it never piles up.


Now... my situation is totally different than yours. I don't have little children. All I can suggest is sticking to a really good schedule for schooling and cleaning, with defined times for your own study time. And I will repeat, that support is still very key.

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I'm in nursing school now taking 4 classes this semester. I get up at 5:00, get ready, get in some school work , get everyone up (14,10,4,1) and do breakfast. Everyone cleans up, everyone does some bedroom cleanup, bathroom spritz while I run the vacuum cleaner. the oldest two get help with what ever work they need (corrections, paper revisions etc) I then play with the baby and 4 year old, then do "school" with her while he runs around like a maniac. then check with the boys and check off whatever they have finished. Baby goes down for morning nap, 4 year old has tv time . Then baby's up, lunch is done, pickup time, outside play. Then baby has afternoon nap and everyone goes to quite time. I do more school work. Then dinner, baths and finally bed time. I stay up to around 11:00-12:00 doing more school work.

Everyone has a laundry day and the poor washer is just full every day all day with something. Whoever thinks about it runs another load through.



It's busy sounding but it runs rather smoothly. Everyone gets time, the baby stays happy and the work gets done.

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I am.


My husband is also military. I have continued my studies through deployments, moves, etc. He also went back to school this spring (still active duty), so he is in class two nights per week.


The most helpful thing you can do is to take fewer classes next semester (or fewer demanding classes). That isn't always possible though; last semester I took two seated courses on campus and was there 12 hours per week!


I do get the schooling done, and I get my school work done, but most times the laundry is piled high. My house just isn't as clean as it would be if I were not in school. I use my crock pot several times per week or do minimally intensive suppers. My kids clean the kitchen after meals. We do a deep cleaning on Sunday afternoon, but most things just slide throughout the week.


I do all of my reading and studying at night and on the weekend. My husband and I swap of childcare as needed so that the other can have quiet time to study or get to the library, etc.

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Holy cow. When I was going through nursing school (ADN) two years ago, my youngers went to daycare and my older was the only one I was homeschooling. This was also the period when DH was deployed all the time. He was in Iraq twice and was gone for 3 out of semesters it took me to get my degree. I keep wondering why it seemed to go smoothly then with a full load compared to now but then again daycare is not an option anymore. :) i remember cold mornings bundling up the babies to drop them off at the CDC (Child Devlp Center) and driving like mad so I won't be late for clinical. Not to mention 4 hours of sleep because the patient I picked had 80 meds or something stupid like that...and none of them were in my drug "database." I was also breastfeeding that time so I would go off and reserve one of the study rooms at the library and pump during breaktime. There were 3 other ladies in my class who were breastfeeding and we had our local chapter of "pump n' *****."


Good luck in nursing school. :)


I'm in nursing school now taking 4 classes this semester. I get up at 5:00, get ready, get in some school work , get everyone up (14,10,4,1) and do breakfast. Everyone cleans up, everyone does some bedroom cleanup, bathroom spritz while I run the vacuum cleaner. the oldest two get help with what ever work they need (corrections, paper revisions etc) I then play with the baby and 4 year old, then do "school" with her while he runs around like a maniac. then check with the boys and check off whatever they have finished. Baby goes down for morning nap, 4 year old has tv time . Then baby's up, lunch is done, pickup time, outside play. Then baby has afternoon nap and everyone goes to quite time. I do more school work. Then dinner, baths and finally bed time. I stay up to around 11:00-12:00 doing more school work.

Everyone has a laundry day and the poor washer is just full every day all day with something. Whoever thinks about it runs another load through.



It's busy sounding but it runs rather smoothly. Everyone gets time, the baby stays happy and the work gets done.

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I had to seriously consider which class to take, what load I could handle. I came to the conclusion that I could only handle one this semester, and that not the lab-intensive class I originally selected. It will take me longer to accomplish everything, but at least I am starting to chip away at it.


The reading is a killer! When I read, I really have to be uninterrupted, so I make the most progress during the late (late!) evening hours or when I can take a Saturday morning away from the house.


My help with the kids schooling is to schedule our time and stick to it!!! I have older kids, so they do have about 3 hours a day of completely independent work. I schedule that for them over my class times.


I am also going to have to dust off my crock pot, I love him but I forget about him!

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I'm a full time student (on top of WOH). I am currently not homeschooling, but I started my return to school while still homeschooling and WOH.


I have to be honest; I'm not sure I could have done it well with littles. My kids were all double digits before I went to graduate school.

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