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I'm wondering if I'm the only woman in the world who

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My husband is big on baths. He only showers if he's in a hurry. I will shower. Baths are for when I'm not feeling well, when I'm dealing with aches or cramps, and when I just want a bit of luxury/alone time and with a book. Sometimes I'll shower and then fill the tub. We spend a bit of time every other month at a friend's in the country. They have a garden tub with jets. I love to fill that and add scented powder or oil and just enjoy it.

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doesn't like taking baths?


I'm just not a bath person. I hate sitting there with nothing to do, and don't like to read because I'm anal about not having books in the humidity or chancing getting them wet. I'm not comfortable in a bathtub, and don't get the allure....other than it being the only time you might possibly be alone. But I'd get bored too quickly LOL



:iagree: me neither! Out with baths, who wants to sit there either freezing or steaming, yeah! for showers!!:D

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The last time I took a bath was when I was in labor with dd#2 (1998) and for the last couple of years we haven't even had a bathtub because we converted ours to a shower to help my mom, who lives with us, get in and out more easily with her physical issues. So, no baths here. The only time I miss the bathtub is when I'm trying to shower with baby dd because she screams her head off, and I consider trying to cram her into the kitchen sink for a bath just one. more. time! ;)

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I got suckered into buying this house because there is a huge cast-iron clawfoot tub in the upstairs bathroom! I seriously considered how to conduct all daily activities from that tub. I think I was a fish in a previous life because I feel so comfortable in water. My mind goes a million miles a minute unless I am sitting in my tub. That seems to be the only way I can relax, well, without wine.




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Nope. Don't care too much for baths either. I suppose if it were a spa situation, where someone else was cleaning the tub, filling and preparing it, and would drain and clean it after, it could be enjoyable. I just don't find anything that labor intensive to be luxurious or relaxing.


Growing up, we only had a tub, a claw-footed one, at that. I took a bath once a week, and enjoyed playing in it with my toys. However, by age 11/12, a once a week bath was not enough, and as we prepared to move to a newer home, I vowed to take a shower every day once we had one ;).


To be honest, I'm not a great fan of either baths or showers, especially in the winter. I love feeling clean, but I hate peeling every layer of clothing off of me, stepping into the freezing tub/shower, washing myself down (and hair-washing is sooo time-consuming!), and then exiting only to have the water start evaporating off my body, freezing yet again, drying off hurriedly and then trying to tug clothing onto my sticky still-damp body. At night? Forget it. I just don't have the energy or the stomach to deal with all that when I'm ready to sleep, and if I do, it leaves me shocked awake and shivering under the covers.


Never saw the appeal of soaking in a tub, or of lingering in a hot shower. Boring, time-wasting, a necessary evil, I guess.

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Wow, I feel that way, too. I like the "idea" of taking a bath. You know, like that Calgon commercial. But, bathtubs are too short to get comfortable and my skin gets all wrinkly.



I'm 5'11". A normal bathtub just isn't long/deep enough to be appealing. Garden tubs are a bit better, but still not great.


I kind of like the idea of replacing our normal tub with a Japanese tub - I don't mind sitting up, as long as there's some reasonable depth. And jets would be nice :)

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doesn't like taking baths?


I'm just not a bath person. I hate sitting there with nothing to do, and don't like to read because I'm anal about not having books in the humidity or chancing getting them wet. I'm not comfortable in a bathtub, and don't get the allure....other than it being the only time you might possibly be alone. But I'd get bored too quickly LOL


I also think showering/bathing together is the biggest turn-off on the planet. Um, when I get in the shower, it is because I'm dirty and need to get clean, and I don't want anyone to see the mechanics of how I make that happen--even/especially my husband. Soaking in the tub is time-consuming. I do it on super-cold days when I can't get warm enough to sleep. I soak in a HOT tub until I'm warm enough that when I crawl into bed, I nod off instantly.

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