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Today is a wasted day

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Am I the only one? What is going on around here? :banghead:



It doesn't help that my car is in the shop, we are in the process of purchasing a car, and the weekend (from Friday night until Sunday night) is already full. My house is getting messy and the laundry is piled up. People are whiny. The kids are too.

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Here too. It took 4 hours to clear the snow, then I came in to find cat puke all over the table and everything on it.:ack2: By the time that was cleaned up, everyone fed and that cleaned up - well, let's just say I had the kids draw a picture and called it school. They're building a snow fort now. I'm counting that as PE.


Now to brew some tea (no, not THAT kind!) for dh and I so we can decrankify before the kids come back in.

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Amen and hallelujah :banghead:.



  • I'm waiting on a call from the nurse. She left me a message yesterday that the doctor has a plan for my liver issues, but she was going to be in meetings the rest of the day and would call me back today. Never mind that I was told I'd have an answer mid-December, and she finally calls with one during the 8 minutes I was in the shower yesterday. So now, I wait.
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  • I found out yesterday that one of my children has been less than honest on his last 14 math lessons. I'm thankful he got caught and was very repentant, but now I have to deal with that.
  • Because of the above issue, I need to revamp our school days. I'm not sure how I'm going to do this, but I've got to figure it out, and figure it out quickly.
  • I'm stretched to my limit with schooling and activities, and my house needs a serious cleaning. Dropping any activities isn't an option right now.
  • I found out this morning that a spam message was sent from my email address. I've spent the morning trying to debugify the two laptops that might have been involved.
  • Oh, and I have PMS. I'm fatigued and I can't think very straight under normal conditions right now; add on the hormones and I just want to go to bed and hide.


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We got nothing done here today. I was hoping to catch up after missing some days for the flu, but no. Electricity went out at bedtime last night, so as soon as we could get out this morning we went to BIL's house to be warm. Elec. came back about noon, so by the time we got home, played in the snow a few minutes, and got ds down for a nap, it was 2pm. I just told dd to spend some extra time reading and went to take a nap myself.

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Two wasted days here this week. Thankfully I just have a K'er so it's no big deal to have a bad week.


Between the baby keeping me up all night, and the 5 year old needing a few attitude problems worked on we haven't done much "school" work this week. Thank goodness for educational computer games and some decent enough weather to throw them out in the yard for awhile.

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