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Are My Kids Too Old For SOTW?


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We tried using the Ancients a few years back when my youngest was about 5 or 6. He was scared of the Egyptians and their ways...so we did American history for a few years. Now I really want to do a chronological history with my 2 together. They are ages 8 and 10 now. Would it not be okay to go through the books with them at this point?

Opinions please :)

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We are using SOTW volume 2 with our 5yo and 8yo, as a read aloud. The 5yo wouldn't be able to read it on his own, but he understands most of it when I read it. The 8yo could easily read it on her own but isn't bored when I read it. I think the later volumes are a bit harder in level. I think it'd probably be fine for your kids; if the 10yo finds it a little too easy, supplement with some additional accompanying literature or other history books, such as H. E. Marshall's books. But if you're looking for a basic overview, I wouldn't worry if it turns out to be a little too easy for the 10yo; my personal opinion is that there's a time and place for challenge, and a time and place for just learning the info and enjoying it.

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I don't think they're too old. We only do SOTW over the summer for fun- I don't want to add it onto our main curriculum over the school year. But we didn't even START til the very end of third grade. We worked on it that summer, last summer (when my daughter was 9) and will go back to it this summer (she's now 10). She enjoys it at this age and I think she got more out of it at 8-9 than she would have at 5-6. (She might have still liked the coloring pages and some of the activities at a younger age but she definitely still enjoys the activities now AND gets more out of the reading now).

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No, I personally feel SOTW works best with an older child. It was a bomb when my daughter was 5 (a complete bomb!), but at age 9 now, she loves it!



I agree I think they work best for 3rd-6th grade. But since I pushed ahead with my first two anyway :glare:, we are starting again this year with SOTW 1 in 4th and 5th. It has been so much better then the first time around!

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